March 18, 2014 Minutes

March 18, 2014

Present: Dana Sansom, Chair; Nancy Fogg, Treasurer; Jim Allard, Secretary; Beverly Pietlicki, Director; William Tahnk, Resident

Meeting Convened: at 7:15 PM by Dana Sansom, Chair.

Acceptance of Minutes: February 18, 2014, minutes were accepted with corrections. (Nancy/Jim)

Old Business:
Mary Schelble’s Retirement: Plans were discussed for celebration in April. Nancy agreed to coordinate final plans.
Library Building Committee: The State Fire Marshall inspected the building on March 10, 2014.
Tentatively, a new staircase, second egress downstairs, is not required pending other changes which
will be specified later by the State Fire Marshall.
Computer Upgrades: The Sanderson Fund approved a grant for technology improvements.
Replacement of two computers and software upgrades are planned for 2014.
Furnace Insulation: The Director was instructed to have insulation replaced on the furnace pipe.
This was previously approved.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: The reports were accepted as presented.

New Business:
New Officers: Motion passed for officers for 2014. Officers are Dana Sansom, Chair; Nancy Fogg, Treasurer; Jim Allard, Secretary. (Nancy/Dana)
Welcome of New Trustee: Jim Allard was welcomed. He provided an overview of his career, interests,
and activities. Handouts were provided for references as a Trustee.
NHLTA Conferences: Two conferences are scheduled for this spring. The Orientation Conference on
April 29, 2014 was recommended for Jim to attend. The 2014 Spring Conference on May 19, 2014, is usually attended by Trustees and Director. Information provided for Jim. Motion passed (Nancy/Dana)
for Trustee memberships to be paid by the library.
Alternate Trustee: Selection of an Alternate Trustee was tabled until April. (Nancy/Dana)

Policy: New policy will be needed for program attendance greater than 15. A review of policy is needed
compensation for conference and snow days.

Adjournment: 8:52 PM (Nancy/Dana)

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: No meeting was scheduled.

Next Monthly Meeting: April 15, 2014, at 7:00 pm. Closed session is scheduled for April 15 at 6:30 PM.

Submitted by Nancy Fogg, Outgoing Secretary