March 18, 2015 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
March 18, 2015

1. Meeting opened at 5:40.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Donna Ward (DW), Lyn Roberts (LR)
Linda Small (LS), Ellen Barbasso (EB).

3. Minutes for February 25, 2015 were accepted with corrections.
B6 should be 100,000 gallons

4. 37 Main Street
A. There was a public hearing at the Selectmen’s meeting on March 17.
B. A second hearing will be held at the meeting on March 31, 2015.
C. After the second hearing the Selectmen will vote on whether the town will take it over.

5. Communication Enhancement meeting on 3/18/15
A. Talked about water and sewage, broadband and cell phone service
1. TM contacted a woman from DRED about broadband
a. She is not able to come to the next EDC meeting on April15
b. He will ask her to come to the next All Board Forum on Wednesday May 6
2. For cell service TM gave out map so we could see which companies have the best service

6. EDC budget was increased to $6,000 at the Town Meeting

7. Other
A. UNH has an Economic Academy in the fall.
1. TM is not sure he will attend.
2. Cost is $350.00
3. Have until July to register.
B. Art work by PMHS students is in the window at Ping Garden
C. Phone survey on a store on Rt 28
1. Information was given to a business teacher at PMHS recently
2. The teacher will find students who need community serviceto do it
D. The student who worked on the Facebook page is no longer at PMHS
1. The project was not complete, so the teacher will complete it
E. There is no further update on Irving Oil property on Barnstead Rd
F. Student Council at PMHS is working on changing the name of Earth Day
1. They are also thinking about things they can do for it-Tm suggested they contact
the Conservation Commission
G. DW gave an update on 2 properties that are for sale
H. We discussed possibilities for the Funeral Home

8. Next EDC meeting will be April 8, 2015 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 6:28 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman
Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary