March 20, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Website.

Pittsfield Website Committee – March 20, 2012
The Pittsfield Website Committee was called to order at @ 7:10 pm.
Location: Pittsfield Elementary School Library
Members present:
Clayton Wood, Chair
Bob Legg
Matt Goodwin
Bill Provencal, Alternate
Jen Elliott, Secretary

1. Minutes: Minutes of November 15, 2011 were approved.
2. Website Updates:
a. Clayton reported that the new sever went down once this month.
b. Matt stated his new server was making the website and databases run much faster.
c. Matt stated that he can no longer afford to donate hosting services to the town. He has donated this service for about 5 years. Matt created an invoice for the town, Clayton will submit the invoice to the town for hosting fees. The cost is 359.25 a year for the town which includes domain registrations for, and He will also include a letter explaining the invoice.
d. Clayton reported he will look into also buying
3. EDC Slideshow:
a. Clayton reported that Tim Osborne, a student at the high school was working on it.
4. Photo Link:
a. Bob stated in June Apple is discontinuing their “mobile me” web gallery and photosharing web service.
b. Clayton and Matt will look into adding an I-frame for pictures.
3. New Business
a. Clayton stated the website committee would be discussing the old home day at the next meeting. The theme this year is “Good old Summer Time.”
4. Next Meeting: Tuesday May 15, 2012 at the Pittsfield Elementary School Library.
11. Meeting Adjourned @ 8:15pm.
Minutes submitted by Jen Elliott, Secretary.