MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2013
Present –Ch. Elkins, _P_, Chief DeSilva, _ P _, Ms. Hast, _ P _, Dr. Dustin, _P_ , Lt. Abell, _P_, , _ Seat vacant_, VCh. Mr. Heffernan (Planning Board ) _ P _. Fred Okrent, (HSA Administrator) _P_.
Meeting called to order by Chief DeSilva at 7:15 at the Town Hall.
Public Present:
Steve Aubertin.
New Business:
Introduction of new members – none (W. Elkins had accepted reappointment).
Elections- Chair – . Nomination of W. Elkins by: Ms. Hast, 2nd by Mr. Heffernan, Vote 4-0
Vice-Chair Nomination of Dr. Dustin by: Ms. Hast, 2nd by Mr. Heffernan, Vote 4-0
Public Input:
Appeal – Steve Aubertin:
Mr. Aubertin appealed two issues connected with 230 Catamount Rd; the need for Carbon Monoxide detectors and the need for a whole new inspection, since the building had been inspected, but not passed, in April of 2012. Provisions in the Ordinance and Agency policies notwithstanding, the Board decided to require a reinspection only of the units having failure items for the failure items only.
The Board also decided to dismiss the requirement for the CMD’s, board policy notwithstanding, until required by the state.
Old Business
Progress Reports: Scheduling and inspections continuing
Discussion of fees, increases, and arrears collection.
Meeting Minutes;
Mr. Heffernan made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of January 14, 2013 be accepted as read; 2nd by Dr. Dustin , Motion passed 4 to 0.
Public Input:
Motion to adjourn:
Mr. Heffernan, 2nd by Dr. Dustin, motion passed5 to 0. Adjourned at 8:42 PM.
Next meeting: 5/13
Respectfully submitted,
Fred M. Okrent