May 1, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting

DATE: MAY 1, 2008

ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Rich Hunsberger, Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present: Rich Hunsberger (RH), Chairman, Gerard Leduc (GL), Vice-Chairman, Robert Elliott (RE), Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex Officio, Fred Hast (FH), Marilyn Roberts (MR), Daniel Schroth (DS), Alternate, and Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent: Daniel Greene (DG)

Others Present: Matt Monahan, Susan Muenzinger, Jim Pritchard, and Ed Vien.

(RH) Since this is a Work Session, will Daniel Schroth and Tom Hitchcock please be seated on Board.

ITEM 3. Work Session
7:00 – 7:30 P.M. – Meet with Economic Development Committee

Matt Monahan and Ed Vien represented the Economic Development Committee with Mr. Monahan directing the discussion. Mr. Vien related that the attached letter represents the thoughts of the EDC as a whole and all were in agreement with the contents. (Mr. Monahan presented a letter
RE: Potential EDC/Planning Board Partnership. Planning Board members were given an opportunity to peruse the letter and ask any questions they may have relative to its contents.)

Mr. Monahan related that now is a good time to start reviewing the Site Plan Regulations, Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinances. He noted that the Committee had been looking at Zoning Ordinances in other Towns noting the pluses and minuses. (RH) noted that Board intends to update the Table of Uses, work on the Route 28 corridor and a list of whatever EDC could recommend, if applicable. Mr. Monahan related that EDC had already begun to think ahead on 28 corridor as to uses including the sewer system. We are looking to assisting and attracting “healthy” businesses. (RH) noted that this was a good idea and by March at the annual meeting, all this should be ready and behind us. (GL) noted that we should be attracting businesses to Town now and not be so close-minded. Mr. Monahan noted that the average commuter travels about 30 minutes.

(GL) noted that there is only one water source on Route 28; (FH) noted that there are actually three. (MM) noted that different uses require different load capacities. We need to look at What do we want? What do we have? And What do we want to promote? (EV) “Some businesses require a great deal of water use and putting in an appropriate business will dictate these factors.” (FH) noted that the three water crossings are Concord Hill, Loudon Road and Cain Road. Mr. Monahan related that Town needs to start thinking of what we want. (RH) noted, “We can work on that with the sewer people.” Mr. Monahan commented that a lot of things need to be put together. Mr. Vien noted that the zones need to actually match the boundaries of properties. There is an advantage to doing zones according to the property lines; buffers could be built in the Suburban and Urban Zones. (RH) noted that we might use distance rather than property lines.

(TH) noted that Town needs to maintain “green belt.” Mr. Monahan noted that we need to look at what can we do to maximize the sites and attract businesses as well as retain the ones we have.

Board further discussed CNHRPC and whether some input could be garnished from them, buffers, signage and the enforcement thereof, projected uses which might grow in Town, helping established businesses in the downtown area, increasing medical facilities as well as high-tech manufacturing and perhaps decreasing general manufacturing facilities, a historic downtown area, and architectural design. The pros and cons of the possibility of offering tax breaks and tax breaks with improvements to proposed businesses were discussed. Mr. Vien noted that heavy focus should be on retaining what we have and enabling them to expand.
Mr. Monahan that EDC is currently gathering information right now as to what type of business we can entice relating that the zoning should be conducive to economic growth. It is easy to get to Pittsfield and it would be a draw to the Town. The community character is the biggest draw. There is community spirit and it is a good place to live and hopefully work here.

Mr. Vien thanked PB for inviting EDC and sharing knowledge and ideas. If we continue to do this, we will be successful.

ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of April 17, 2008

(RE) Motion to approve Minutes of April 17, 2008 as amended. (TH) Second. Carried 8-0.

ITEM 5. New Business
Letter – Jim Pritchard – Planning Board Alternate

(RH) noted that a letter had been received from Jim Pritchard with a request to be a Planning Board Alternate. (TH) questioned how he found out that an Alternate is needed. (DS) noted that he goes to PB meetings. (LK) noted that BOS did do a general advertisement for committee members. (DS) noted that he had talked to Mr. Pritchard and told him that he should request being an alternate. “He can work with us or fight with us in the end, so that was my recommendation.”

(RH) noted that since this was a Board discussion and a possible vote required, he would ask (DS) to step down and (TH) to remain.

(DS) step down should any vote be taken.

(RE) noted that we now have two Alternates and really do not require an additional one at this time. He noted that we should decide what we want to do for alternates before we decide. (TH) reminded Board that an extra alternate could be useful for assignment of “special assignments or research.” (GL) noted that the letter was too vague and did not state what his qualifications included. (RH) noted that Mr. Pritchard has completed an application, which was not available to them tonight.

(RE) Motion to keep two alternates for now for Planning Board. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0. (MR) and (FH) Abstain.
(RE) “Now that we are an elected Board, shouldn’t we be the ones submitting the ads?” (LK) explained that BOS had placed a “generic type” ad for various committee members. (RH) noted that PB might advertise for someone with particular skills. (GL) explained that the only reason why Board voted two in was the fear of not having a quorum.

ITEM 6. Selectman’s Report

(LK) noted that it was a very good report from EDC. The PB working together with the EDC is great. He also advised that there now is a Suggestion Box in the hallway. (FH) Will “suggestions” be brought to the public? (LK) Yes, within reason.

(TH) questioned how long EDC had been around. (MR) “A little over two years.” (TH) Have they brought anything in yet? Could we put a timeline on them?” (LK) noted that they are working hard to make things happen. (TH) “Pittsfield needs to move forward. We need to promote a “come and look” attitude.” (MR) invited (TH) to attend EDC meetings every Wednesday night at 5:30 P.M. “Many of your statements are really for Economic Development Committee, not the Planning Board.”

ITEM 7. Building Inspector Report

(RH) noted that Mike though not here tonight, has related that 12 Broadway has not yet been re-inspected. They are still waiting for the Fire Marshall to reschedule. (RH) was questioned as to why BI was not present tonight, though he was unsure as to why. Information concerning 12 Broadway was conveyed to him via secretary.

ITEM 8. Members Concerns

(DS) distributed copies of A Quick Look at the Credit Crisis article, which he related that he thought was important as it indicates the financial report America is facing.

(FH) noted that it was brought up about historical buildings grants. “Someone needs to start concentrating and working on this quickly as these buildings are crumbling quickly.”

It was noted that Zoning Board had some concerns with condos becoming rental units. (FH) noted that old apartment houses can be renovated to condos and need to be brought up to code. (RH) noted that this comes under the building code, not the Planning Board.

ITEM 9. Public Input

(EV) noted that in follow-up to (TH), the EDC has been around longer than 2 ½ years. We now have $100,000 approved by taxpayers as a base, and we are proceeding. We do not want to go forward and then have to go back.

As far as the buildings (FH) mentioned, the Green Block and the Union Block, we are looking to help preserve them. We are looking to CNHRPC for input to get their expertise. We are trying to go after what will get us the biggest bang for our buck.

(GL) noted that while campaigning for the Board, the main concern of people was that they need jobs closer to home. (RH) noted that the lumber industry is down drastically, but pellet manufacturing is increasing. He noted that there is a pellet factory and a “fish farm” in Barnstead doing well. Board further discussed the upgrading of WWTP.

Close Public Input


(RH) noted that at the next work session they would be discussing fences vs. structures in setbacks and he would do some research and bring in some suggestions for that. It was noted that Board might want to think about outside furnaces also, which can be offensive. “What is suitable for setback for an outdoor furnace?” Board briefly touched on setbacks for outdoor furnace, what is a structure?, fences, signs, and billboards.

Board began with review of Table of Uses (see attached for proposed changes). Board discussed the various changes in various zones and noted that some would require specific criteria and we need to think about that, buffer regulations, and other safeguards.

(RE) reminded Board that these changes are for the Zoning Ordinances and you have to look at it from their point of view and look at it in terms of zones as defined and then “tweak” the zones. We need to seriously encourage business downtown and not offer any reasons for exemptions. (RH) noted that Board would be thinking about making some changes to the zoning map.

Considerations by Board were given to pet cemeteries and perhaps, writing a new ordinance for cluster development and combined dwelling/business. (TH) related to Board that small businesses are growing faster than big ones.

ITEM 10. Adjournment

(RE) Motion to adjourn. (LK) Second. Carried 8-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

Approved: May 15, 2008

__________________________ _________________________
Rich Hunsberger, Chairman Date