May 12, 2014 Minutes

MAY 12, 2014

Attendees: Ralph O’Dell – Chair, Ted Mitchell – Secretary,
Helen Schoppmeyer, Jim Pritchard, Clayton Wood

Absent: Paul Metcalf

1. Call to Order: 7:05 pm

2. Approval of April 28,2014 Minutes
Motion to Approve Clayton, Second Helen
Approved: 5-0

3. Visit to Senior Housing Facilities:
– Saturday, May 10, 2014 visits were cancelled. New dates:
– Rolling Green; Meet at town hall, 5 pm, Monday,
May 26, 2014.
– Epsom Facility will be scheduled in June.

4. Sewer Water Capacity:
– Need to get information on each user’s amount of waste.
– However, accuracy of line capacity/use is determined by
size of pipe and slope.

5. Must Committee Members be Sworn In by Town Clerk?
– Committee is strictly advisory. As such, members have no
authority and cannot make decisions. Therefore no need
for swearing in.
– Clayton will discuss, with the Planning Board, whether or
not to sent a letter to Town Clerk informing her of
limitations of Master Plan Committee and that members
need not get sworn in.

6. Town Water Supply:
– Concern that one building burning can deplete town water
– Need to discuss with Fire Chief the potential requirement
for upgrading system, in future.
– If a good sized business wants to move into town they will
certainly check into the fire department effectiveness and
water capacity. Current capability may very well cause
businesses to look elsewhere for location.
– Filtration system added in 1997. System has storage tank
filled with filtered water. Rated capacity of 500,000 gallons
per day. Safe yield (use) is 350,000 gallons per day.
– There are 614 residential customers and 11 commercial.
They only use 50% of safe use.

7. Library:
– Stairs from basement to top floor is unnecessary after all.
– Problem with outside water seeping into basement.
Need better outside drainage.
– Capacity of 15 people in basement, 22 top floor. Total
can’t exceed 50 people.
– Librarian has improved connection between schools and
library, more is needed and planned.
– Librarian has increased programs and plans to do more.

8. Town Services:
– Focus must be on efficiencies to save money.
– New businesses need to be placed in appropriate areas
where there is already sewer and water – where there is the
infrastructure for it. This saves town money by not
expanding sewer and water unnecessarily.
– Before sewer and water is expanded across Rt 28 at Loudon
Road, or anywhere for that matter, the Economic
Development Committee needs to aggressively seek
businesses to purchase properties along Rt 28, thereby
justifying the expansion.

9. Next Meeting: May 26, 2014 at 5:00 pm, town hall (prior to
committee visiting Rolling Green housing)

10. Adjournment: 8:12 pm

Prepared by: Ted Mitchell, Secretary

Submitted :

Ralph O’Dell
Chair, Master Plan Committee