May 14, 2014 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the All Board.

Pittsfield All Chairmen Meeting
May 14, 2014

1. Meeting opened at 6:33 P.M.

2. Attendees: Bill Elkins (Housing), Clayton Wood (Planning
Board), Carole Dodge (Zoning Board), Mike Wolfe (School Board)
Ted Mitchell (EDC), Lyn Roberts, (EDC) and Ellen Barbasso

3. Minutes from March 5, 2014. Clayton Wood moved to accept the
minutes. Lyn Roberts seconded the motion; minutes accepted
as written.

4. Update from each board
Flow charts have been completed by some boards, others still
need to finish theirs.
Planning Board
Conceptual Consultation with Rustic Crust. They need a
variance for rebuilding.
Will come before the board on June 5
They are moving forward with the architect.

Housing Standards
Office moving from behind Cara to downstairs in Town Hall
Looking for a new inspector. Previous one resigned April 30.

Bear Paw is a conservation property
Looking for donations for Wild Goose Pond to make it
conservation property

School Board
Is down one member. It will be filled by the next meeting.
Two deans are not coming back next year. Looking to hire
from within.

Has been focused on Rustic Crust.
Will recontact businesses to put something on Rt 28

5. Agenda for All Board/Committee Forum
Jesse Pacheco and Clayton Wood are preparing the agenda
Focus on downtown zoning
What are some ways we can use to facilitate using property
already existing?
Site Plan review-If a business is moving from one location to
another is it needed?
At last town meeting there was an amendment to waive parking
requirements downtown-approved by voters
Rezoning downtown area-needs more than just Planning Board-
need an all boards approach
There are not many businesses downtown anymore
Zoning board allows things that are not in zoning ordinances
Businesses are going into rural areas.
Zoning is not the problem, Not following current zoning
ordinances is the problem
Need to remap areas of overlapping zoning.
Some areas are commercial/light industrial; or mixed use with
business downstairs and residence upstairs-not always
79E Tax credit can be used for mixed use properties but must
follow allowed use as shown in the Master Plan.

Apartment buildings need to go through Site Plan Review-They
have not been doing that.

Bill Elkins will get information to Clayton about the number of apartments
before the next joint meeting.
Will also include information on when apartments were put in
and which ones were grandfathered in.

What is the draw for apartments? Can we use that to our advantage?
There are about 650 apartments and 4,500 people in town
HSA rules have a minimum square footage for the number of
people in an apartment.
Need to have a united front on what our goals are:
No More Apartments. Get businesses here.

Clayton will send information to Matt Monahan for the slide show.
Need a projector-Matt should have it.

6. There will be a public hearing on a variance for the number of
people allowed to work at home occupation. Will table discussion
for the variance until June 12

7. HSA is preparing an emergency contact list for Fire and Police
Departments to show number of apartments and units in a building
for the entire town. It will also give street and number of building.

8. Next Joint Forum will be Saturday May 31, 2014 at 9:00 AM

9. Next meeting June 11, 2014 at 6:30 P.M.

10. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman EDC
Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary EDC