May 19, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Website.

Pittsfield Website Committee
May 19, 2009

The Pittsfield Website Committee was called to order @ 7:08 pm.
Members present:
Clayton Wood, Chair
Bob Legg
Bill Provencal
Matt Goodwin
Jen Elliot (Alternate)
Harry Vogt, Secretary

1. Minutes of March 24, 2009 were approved.

2. Website Report – Traffic continues to be steady.

3. Board Member Terms –
a. Committee members will be polled on an annual basis regarding continued membership for the upcoming year.
b. The committee will work this year on putting provisions in place to help insure a smooth transition of information as membership turns-over.
c. Board membership is based on the selectman’s past approval of a 5 member board with up to 3 alternates.

4. Pittsfield Historical Photos: Pittsfield Historical Society has agreed to provide photos from past calendars for posting on the website.

5. Old Home Day: Bill Provencal will forward information on Old Home Day for posting on the Website. Bob Legg will work with Harry and Bill on the posting of Old Home Day photographs.

6. Cable Advisory Board- Clayton recommended to the Board of Selectman that the cable advisory committee be kept separate from the Website Committee. Recommendations for Cable Advisory Committee members should be forwarded to Clayton who will forward to the Selectman.

7. School Website: Clayton has put together a test website based on the SAU website. Clayton will forward a link to committee members for review and comment.

8. Town WIFI Support: The WIFI was down from 4/15 – 4/23. Clayton worked with the provider to get the system back up and running by resetting the gateway. Clayton noted that WIFI Committee should have a technical contact on either the website committee or the WIFI Committee to address issues such as this in the future. Matt expects to have a portal page in place by the end of the month.

9. Google Calendar Map: When the location of Pittsfield is searched through Google Calendar, Pittsfield MA comes up. Clayton suspects that the problem can be corrected by embedding the Town’s zip code or NH into map search.

New Business

1. Website Cleanup: Generally the website and servers appear to be fairly clean. Clayton suggested that perhaps the website blog could be cleaned up a little.

2. Slide Show: Bob Legg has updated town photos -winter photos have been removed and photos of the town hall have been added.

3. Balloon Rally: Rotary has started to put together a web page for the balloon rally which the Town Website may be able to link to.

Next Meeting: Tuesday July 21, 2009

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:10 pm

Minutes submitted by Harry Vogt, Secretary.