May 20, 2014 Minutes

May 20, 2014

Present: Chair Dana Sansom, Treasurer Nancy Fogg, Secretary J.C. Allard, Library Director Beverly Pietlicki, Mr. William Tahnk, Trustee Alternate, Mr. Jim Pritchard, resident.

Meeting Convened: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of the April meeting reviewed and accepted as written.

Old Business: Decided to conduct training for Trustees on the security system punch codes and door keys immediately following the adjournment of the regular meeting.

Trustees were notified by the Library Director that the appointment of Mr. William Tahnk as the ‘Alternate’ Trustee was approved by the Pittsfield Select Board at their meeting of May 13, 2014.

Motion to transfer an old computer desk from the Children’s Room to the Pittsfield Historical Society for their use moved and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried.

Reviewed proposed changes to the Personnel Policy 6-9 “Conditions of Work” #11. Motion to approve changes made and seconded (Nancy/Dana). Motion carried.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: Both the Director’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report reviewed and accepted as presented.

New Business: Motion to formally accept future donations of money and property moved and seconded (Jim/Nancy). Motion carried.

Motion to approve ordering bank checks for spending of the general funds for the approximate cost of $119 made and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded to approve making the main floor of the library “Wi-Fi” compatible (Jim/Dana). Motion carried.

Discussed revision of the intent for the Trustees funds per RSA 202-A 11 and 11c (Equipment Funding). Under these provisions overdue book fines are designated for the purchase of new books.

Discussed the on-going timeline for completion of the library renovations to bring the Children’s Room into compliance with the Building Codes. Discussed moving of shelving back to the upstairs and restocking of the shelves.

Discussed plans for upcoming Friends of the Library book sale on June 7, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Discussed New Hampshire Library Trustees Association conference held on May 19, 2014 at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. Each of the attendees briefly shared their experiences and impressions of the conference.

Miscellaneous: Discussed disposition of an old typewriter in possession of the library. Tabled the discussion until the machine can be examined.

Decided on Saturday June 14, 2014 as the tentative date to move the furnishings around in preparation for reopening of the Children’s Room.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn moved and seconded (Dana/Nancy). Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: Nancy volunteered one hour per week to meet with the Library Director to consider policy revisions and decide on proposals.

Next Monthly Meeting: June 17, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Anticipate walking around the building to review the structural condition.

Submitted by JC Allard, Secretary