Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman
Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman,
Linda Small (LS), Michael Williams (MW), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Albert Douglas (AD) – Arrival at 7:04 P.M.
Gerard LeDuc (GL)
Mr. Howard Pearl, Candidate for State Senate
Mr. Howard: He explained his background in the State of New Hampshire as a fourth generation farmer serving on various committees within the Town of Loudon. He noted that he and the current senator have different views pertaining to taxes, social matters, civil liberties, government spending issues, the need not to increase taxes, and as a firm supporter of First and Second Amendments.
“Obamacare – I am against it.” He was able to answer several questions from the audience pertaining to gambling, Second Amendment, and capital punishment.
Jim Pritchard: I have been helping Cara Marston with the Zoning Board staggering terms of the four regular members. Al Douglas was appointed last March and should be re-appointed.
Close Public Input
(LK) Update – Chief of Police Panel Committee; (MW) Cruiser Proposal, Library Building Process, Rocky Point Road Clean-up Project – Bids. Added during the course of the Meeting HSA Office Downstairs
Housing Standards Agency Fee Increase
(LK) read into the Minutes the Notice of Public Hearing. (See Attached.)
Open the Public Hearing:
(LK) The HSA Board is here to answer any questions.
Bill Elkins noted that the Board would like to increase the fees for Inspections to $45 (currently at $30) and Re-Inspections/No Show to $20 (currently $15). This will cover our increased operating costs/expenses. The HSA Administrator would be paid at an hourly rate rather than the current fixed weekly rate. The new approach is “self-certification” which requires written and signed documentation within thirty (30) days showing that any deficiencies noted in the inspection have been corrected.
Public Input
Faith Whittier: On your expense sheet, what is Misc. Repair/Equipment, etc. for $1,000 represent? Bill Elkins: That is for supplies and/or equipment.
Pat Heffernan: Why doesn’t Housing Standards just go away? We could just take the money and give the task to Fire Department and let them run this thing. They are familiar with life safety codes and buildings.
Close Public Input
(LK) How many units are in Whitesbrook? Hank Fitzgerald: About 80 units, (in actuality there are 60 units) which takes about a day and a half to inspect and then about four days for paperwork. (LK) Why isn’t the Inspector paid by the hour? Board and Bill Elkins discussed the benefits of hourly rate versus set amount for Inspector. Bill Elkins again noted we are trying to get away from re-inspections by utilizing the “self-certification” concept. These are all average figures.
Board agreed to close the Public Hearing and table their decision until a full Board is present.
(EN) Motion to table findings of the Public Hearing to the next Board of Selectmen meeting when a full Board is present. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
HSA OFFICE (Town Hall Lower Level)
Bill Elkins: The office project is close to being completed.
1. Police Department – New Cruiser Estimate
Acting Police Chief Jeffrey Cain was present.
Police Chief Cain: Though I have not been involved in the current budget, I understand that there is about $40,000 in this account for the purchase of a cruiser.
He explained the different quotes and noted:
2014 Ford Utility (Explorer) $26,607.00 Grappone Ford
Equipment & Installation $11,366.24 Beltronics
Decals & Markings $300.00 Diamond Sign
Total Proposal $38, 273.24
There is also an extended warranty through Ford Motor Co. (5 year/125K) which would cost an additional $2,315.00.
When done, this will allow for an “all matching fleet.”
(EN) Motion to approve purchase of new Police Cruiser from Grappone Ford for $26,607 plus the extended warranty $2,315, equipment & installation $11,366.24 and Decals & Markings: total of $40,588.24. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Channel of Communications – Revert to Town Administrator
(LK) The channel of communication will now be approved through the Town Administrator Michael Williams.
(LS) Motion to approve channel of communications will be through Town Administrator Michael Williams, Chairman Larry Konopka and Vice-Chairman Eric Nilsson. (EN) Carried 3-0.
3. B.C.E.P. District Committee Appointments – Linda Small & Ed Vien
(EN) Motion to approve appointment of Linda Small and Ed Vien to B.C.E.P. District Committee. (LS) Second. Carried 2-0. (LS) Abstain.
4. Certain Board Members Office Expiration Corrections
(MW) It will not be necessary for members to resign, rather just correct term expiration dates.
Jim Pritchard: They should resign and get re-appointed. In May of 2012, there were four seats open. “The Board of Selectmen did not specify terms and you had to do that.”
It was noted that Al Douglas is not the BOS representative on ZBA but rather an appointed alternate.
(LS) Motion to approve Scott Aubertin term of office on Zoning Board of Adjustment is 2017. (EN) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve John (Pat) Heffernan term of office on Zoning Board of Adjustment is 2015. (EN) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Paul Metcalf, Sr. term of office on Zoning Board of Adjustment is 2015. (EN) Second. Carried 3-0.
Board agreed that Al Douglas term of office would be addressed next Board meeting. (MW) His appointment will not be less valid.
5. Registration
(MW) Cara has been trying to change the domain name to clean-up the various Websites and have everything under one domain name.
(LS) Motion to apply and accept as domain name.
(EN) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LK) I am sorry; I meant to introduce our new Town Administrator, Michael Williams. Welcome, Mike.
6. Building Inspector/HSA
This will be tabled until further notice.
7. Water and Waste Disposal Program Grant
Ron Vien was present.
Ron Vien: This is the for the Inflow/Infiltration Study which is a closed circuit television (CCTV) camera inspection of a significant portion of the Town’s sewer collection system within the census-designated place and report of findings. This is part of the EPA requirements.
(LK) This is a grant and will not cost us either way.
(EN) Motion to apply for grant and authorize Town Administrator to sign document. (LS) Second. Carried 2-1 (LS).
8. Library Building Project
(EN) We have contacted the architect and notified them that Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector will be the contact person.
Beverly Pietlicki, Library Director: Are there any bids yet? (EN) Not yet. Beverly Pietlicki: Has it been in the paper yet and what will the deadline be?
(EN) It has not been published yet and Jesse and the Architect would decide on that.
9. Rocky Point Road Clean-up Project – Bids
(LK) We have received three bids. The bids will be reviewed by Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector and he will make recommendations at the next BOS meeting.
10. Update on Police Chief Recruitment Panel Committee
(LK) Of the individuals named at the last meeting, I have contacted them all and all have agreed to participate. Either Rob or Gef Freese will participate and the only one I have not heard back from is Cathy McHugh.
We will get a job description developed and advertise. Acting Police Chief Jeffrey Cain, Meggin Dail and Michael Williams can collaborate, bring it to the Board and we can then figure out some dates for follow-up.
1. Notice of Intention to Donate Funds – Additional Budgeting for Focused Efforts to Solve Recent Burglaries/Thief – Rob and Gef Freese
Police Chief Cain: Rob Freese is out of Town right now and we have not had an opportunity to discuss this. I will try to meet with him this week.
2. Request of Paul Rogers – Abate Sewer User Fees Pending
3. Request of Wendy Chen – Abate Sewer User Fees Pending
4. Request of Paul Rogers Waive Permit Fees Pending
5. Request of Wendy Chen Waive Permit Fees Pending
6. Town Board/Committees/Commissions Members
(EN) Cara and I are working on this.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(EN) Second. Carried 2-0. (LK) Abstain.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EN) Second.
Selectman Al Douglas arrived at 7:04 P.M.
Break: 7:03 P.M. Resume: 7:14 P.M.
Vote: Carried 3-0. (LS) Abstain.
NEW BUSINESS – Action Items Continued
4. Certain Board Members Office Expiration Corrections
Al Douglas submitted a letter of resignation from the Zoning Board.
(EN) Motion to accept resignation of Al Douglas from the Zoning Board.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0. (AD) Abstain.
(EN) Motion to approve appointment of Al Douglas to the Zoning Board with a term expiration date of 2017. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0. (AD) Abstain.
7. Building Inspector/HSA
(LS) Motion to table this matter till further notice. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of April 29, 2014
(EN) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 29, 2014 with Correction. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
Page 9, Paragraph 1, Line 4 should be inserted: I would rather not facilitate the process.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of April 29, 2014
(EN) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 29, 2014.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
Fred Hast: Under New Business Action Items No 6, you tabled that. When will that be addressed? (LK) I am not sure, probably indefinitely. I have not been attending meetings lately, but the BOS Minutes are not up-to-date on the Website. Could you check into that? (LK) agreed that they would.
Jim Pritchard: I agree with Fred. When I was trying to do some research, I did not find the Minutes were up-to-date. You should check into that.
(MW) I have just checked the Website and the Minutes are up-to-date.
Close Public Input
(LS) Motion to adjourn. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 P.M.
Approved: May 14, 2014
__________________________ ____________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date
I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on May 6, 2014, transcribed and publicly posted on
May 8, 2014.
Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary
Attachment/Olympus: 1.10.33