May 8, 2014 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mike Wolfe, Chair
Bea Douglas
Gary Mullen
Ray Ramsey

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent of Schools
Tobi Gray Chassie, District Administrator
Lois Stevens, Director of Student Services
Paul Newell, Dean of Operations
Ross Morse, Community Liaison
Members of the Faculty
Members of the Public

Mr. Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


The following items were added to the agenda:
• Resignation (Dr. Freeman)
• Non-Public – 91-A:3 II(a) (Dr. Freeman)
• Resignation (Mr. Wolfe)

On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Mr. Ramsey, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.


A motion was made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas to approve the minutes of the April 24, 2014, meeting as written.


Mark Schuster thanked the School Board members for their service to the town of Pittsfield. He stated that he and his wife are the parents of three future kindergarten students, one of whom will be starting in the fall. He stated that although he acknowledges the benefits of full day kindergarten, he would like the Board’s consideration of a partial day option for parents.

Angela St. Germaine, parent of a kindergarten student starting in the fall. She spoke in favor of full day kindergarten.

Sara Tetro, parent of an incoming kindergarten student, spoke in favor of full day kindergarten and stated how difficult transportation is for parents when the program is a half day.

A.J. Duquette, parent of a kindergarten student and another kindergarten studentstarting in the fall, spoke in favor of full day kindergarten.

Nick Abell, parent of two children, stated that many districts have moved to full day kindergarten and thought that Pittsfield should do the same.

Ross Morse stated his appreciation for the parents who attended the meeting

Heidi Cook, speaking in favor of full day kindergarten, stated that if district doesn’t provide an adequate amount of instructional time, the completion of curriculum expectations may be compromised.

Charles Therriault, PMHS Science teacher, spoke in favor of Dr. Freeman’s decision to seek internal applicants for the deans of instruction and operations. He said that by hiring internally, the momentum of the work that is being accomplished will not be disrupted.

Mr. Ramsey stated that the Board’s intention was to make a smooth transition between administrations. Ms. Douglas stated that the Board understands that all the work that has been accomplished might be jeopardized by hiring outside people.

PES Teacher, Darlene Stewart, stated that she has doubts about the redesigned administrative structure. She feels that the change has compromised the personal connection to the students, parents, and the faculty, but the best chance of it working is to hire from within.

Erica Anthony, community member and parent, voiced her strong support of hiring from within. She stated that because the district on the cutting edge in school transformation, the district would have a better chance for continued success with internal applicants.

PMHS Teacher Christie Dunlavey stated her support of internal promotion. She stated that the district has empowered teachers to take on leadership roles.

Tara Ash stated that she is in favor of hiring from within, but wanted to say that Mr. Newell and Ms. Graham have done a great job and will be missed.
PMHS Teacher Jenny Wellington stated her approval of the hiring from within.

PES Teachers Sue Elliott and Kathy Mahanes indicated their agreement with the concept of hiring from within for the dean positions.

PMHS Teacher Rick Anthony stated that he is very pleased with the concept of hiring within. He went on to say that he was disappointed that the PMHS Exhibition Night date was changed to accommodate the School Board. The alternate date excluded some students due to athletic commitments. He asked that, in the future, the School Board would move their meeting to accommodate an event such as Exhibition Night.


A. Full Day Kindergarten

Ms. Stevens stated that after researching and communicating with the community, the Full Day Kindergarten Task Force, in collaboration with the PES Best Practice team, recommend that the Pittsfield School District move to a full day kindergarten program. The question arose as to whether a partial day option would be available. She explained that it will be difficult to accommodate a partial day option, but that it hadn’t been dismissed. Ms. Stevens stated that at the recent public forum, only three people voiced concerns about full day program. Ms. Stevens stated that there may be a need for three classrooms with the current projection of enrollment.

A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Douglas to move to a full day kindergarten program. The Board stated their desire to continue the conversation relative to a partial day option. Mr. Ramsey stated his strong desire to allow parents the option of a partial day. The Board voted unanimously in favor of full day kindergarten.

Ms. Stevens stated that she will continue to work with the Kindergarten Task Force to develop the idea of a partial day option.


Ms. Stevens stated that she is currently conducting interviews for the vacant special education positions. She hopes to have all positions filled before school ends.



By report, Ms. Graham explained that the Site Council had approved a proposal for changing the 11/12 rotating schedule.


According to Ms. Graham’s report, the PAR Board, a group of educators examining the progress PMHS has made in inquiry learning and performance assessment as a result of the Investing in Innovation (i3) grant, visited on April 29 and 30. Dr. Freeman asked Ms. Chassie to make further comments regarding the PAR Board member’s closing comments. Ms. Chassie stated that the Board was highly impressed with the quality of the work work that has been accomplished in this area at PMHS. For n startup school, these accomplishments would be one thing, but for a school that has started from a very traditional setting and transformed itself was very impressive. Mr. Anthony added that the Board had also acknowledged the school’s efforts to respond to the recommendations made during the previous visit, which was conducted about one year ago. Ms. Chassie acknowledged the work of Ms. Ward and the i3 team and said a full report from the PAR Board would be forthcoming.


Ms. Graham’s report stated that the students and faculty worked hard to plan for annual Exhibition Night on May 7.


PES teachers are wrapping up the second quality performance assessment cycles. Each grade level team has designed a unit of instruction which includes performance assessments.


Ms. Graham reported that Science NECAPS would be taken by students in grades 8 and 11 during the week of May 12, 2014.



Mr. Newell stated that the information technology manager is currently working on assessing the current state of technology in the district. The overall goal, according to Mr. Newell, is to provide recommendations to be considered by the administration.


The Site Council continues to work to revise the PMHS Family/Student Handbook.


Mr. Newell stated that spring clean-up is underway. He stated that an end of year plan is being developed which will include an avoidance of issues in the PMHS kitchen that had occurred last year.


Mr. Newell reported that PMHS observed Earth Day on May 2 by participating in a variety of activities at school and throughout the community.


Mr. Newell provided the Board with a list of end of year activities.


Ms. Chassie previously provided the Board with a proposed position description for Community Liaison. On a motion made by Mr. Ramsey and seconded by Ms. Douglas, the Board voted unanimously to approve the position description for Community Liaison.



Dr. Freeman provided the Board with final draft documents that establish the district’s foundation and the Stapleton Scholarship, the result of a behest from the estate of Edmond Stapleton. On a motion made by Mr. Ramsey and seconded by Mr. Mullen, the Board unanimously approved the formation of the Pittsfield School District Support Foundation and the Stapleton Memorial Scholarship Fund.


Dr. Freeman reviewed the work that was previously done to plan for the PMHS sprinkler pitch and flushing. Two bids were received; one from John L. Carter Sprinkler Company for $44,386 plus bond at $775 and one from Superior Fire Protection for $103,200. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Mr. Ramsey, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid from the John L. Carter Sprinkler Company.


Dr. Freeman stated that the HVAC Committee, made up of Mr. Mullen, Mr. Wolfe, Gef Freese, and himself, met with facilities experts from Harriman (architects and engineers) and discussed the benefits of a biomass boiler. As a result, Harriman was requested to submit a design proposal to study the feasibility and potential benefits of incorporating a biomass boiler plan to serve the district’s two schools.

On a motion made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Ramsey, the Board voted unanimously to approve Harriman’s proposal, costing $11,750, to conduct the study.


Dr. Freeman distributed letters of resignation from Deborah Galante, special education teacher at PES, and Brian Pinto, middle school math teacher. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas, the Board accepted the resignations with a thank you for the teachers’ service.


Dr. Freeman distributed the resumes of two candidates. He stated that in response to Board members’ concerns, he communicated the opportunity to be considered for these positions to internal employees; however, no employee indicated such an interest. Dr. Freeman introduced Danielle Harvey and Derek Hamilton as candidates for the Dean of Instruction and Dean of Operations, respectively.

Ms. Harvey gave a brief summary of her work in the Pittsfield School District, starting out as a teacher at PES and then as a math lead teacher, acting as an academic coach for other teachers. She stated that the coaching position evolved over the years, providing her with a variety of experiences. Ms. Harvey reviewed her preparation for this position, stating that she is enrolled in a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies program, which will result in certification as a principal. Ms. Harvey stated that she is part of the PES School Improvement Team and is co-chairing Best Practices Sub-Team. She is interested in promoting inquiry based learning strategies at PES, along with others that will be identified by the Best Practices Sub-Team. Ms. Harvey stated that she intends to work diligently to implement the Professional Growth and Evaluation plan, in order to provide teachers with the feedback that they desire in order to improve their teaching practice.

Mr. Hamilton provided the Board with a brief summary of his work in the Pittsfield School District. He reviewed the work he has accomplished in the

areas of student governance, student-led conferences, and student centered learning instructional strategies. Mr. Hamilton provided the Board with a list of ten areas in which he has experienced success, including Site Council, Student-Led Conferences, Grade 9 Core, Community Engagement Team, Community Advisory Council, Alternative Scheduling Team, Jump Start, and Student Council. Mr. Hamilton stated that he would like to work on the district’s culture and climate, community engagement, and communications.

Mr. Wolfe asked what Mr. Hamilton’s plans were for gaining certification. Mr. Hamilton stated that he will begin a master’s degree in June in order to gain certification. When asked, he stated that his biggest challenge in assuming a new leadership role will be to reintroduce himself to the elementary level of education, which he looks forward to doing.

Dr. Freeman stated his confidence in Ms. Harvey and Mr. Hamilton. He stated that several events have been planned to introduce the candidates to the school and community. Faculty and staff meetings have been scheduled, as well as a community event.

Dr. Freeman stated his plan to bring the candidates forward for a vote of the Board at their next meeting on May 22, 2014.



Mr. Wolfe stated that he has received a letter of resignation from Nicole Manteau. She requested that the letter be entered in its entirety into the minutes of the meeting. The letter follows:

On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas, the Board accepted the resignation of Ms. Manteau.


Mr. Wolfe stated that, according to state law, the Board will appoint a member to fill the board vacancy until the next school district election in March 2015. Ms. Douglas suggested putting an advertisement of the vacancy in the local newspaper. Discussion ensued and it was decided that a notice would be included in the newspaper, in the PES pink newsletter, and on the district’s website.


Mr. Wolfe stated that the position of vice chair would need to be filled. Ms. Douglas was nominated. On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Mr. Ramsey, the Board voted unanimously to elect Ms. Douglas as School Board vice-chair. Ms. Douglas’ position as Board secretary will be filled at a future meeting; in the interim, Ms. Douglas will continue to serve as secretary


A. Budget Committee – None

B. Drake Field & Facilities

Mr. Wolfe stated that a meeting was held and several ideas considered, including lighting, fertilizing the field, relocating the basketball court, venting the locker rooms, installing a softball field, razing the gazebo, and improving the tennis courts. Recommendations will be brought to the Board at a future meeting.

C. Negotiating Team – None

D. Foss Foundation

Mr. Wolfe accepted the role as Board liaison to the Foss Foundation. The application process deadline has passed and the committee is now in the process of reading applications.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

Ross Morse stated that he was one of four Pittsfield people to attend a dinner sponsored by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. Dr. Freeman reviewed the impressive list of foundation representatives, business leaders, and political leaders. He stated that Nick Donahue, President and CEO of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, praised the district and the Town of Pittsfield for public engagement and progress in creating a student-centered learning environment.

Dr. Freeman explained that he was a participant in a state-level planning process with the Department of Education in Colorado. The result of the two-day meeting was that the Department wanted to move toward the student-centered approaches that have been embraced in Pittsfield. He stated that the courage of the Board in supporting innovation is admirable and is a catalyst in the school district’s improvement.

Nick Abell thanked the School Board for supporting the full day kindergarten. He also stated his appreciation, as a member of the public, for the work that has been done to improve the sprinkler system.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 22, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School.

XIV. At 7:00 PM, a motion was made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Mullen to enter into non-public session to discuss an employee work schedule and compensation issue in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (a). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Douglas, yes; Mr. Mullen, yes; Mr. Ramsey, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session.

The Board discussed an employee work schedule and compensation issue.

No action was taken in non-public session.

At 7:15 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Ramsey to exit the non-public session and re-enter into open session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Douglas, yes; Mr. Mullen, yes; Mr. Ramsey, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to exit from a non-public session and to re-enter into open session.


On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Mr. Ramsey the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary