May 9, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
May 9, 2011

Members Present: Nicole, Theresa, Tina, Nancy, Paula, Judith, Carole

Members Absent: Ida

Carole opened the meeting at 7:07 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes:

The minutes from the April 7th meeting were reviewed and on a motion by Judith, seconded by Nancy, were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Last month left a balance of $1,224.97 in the account. Tina reported that she had reimbursed Nicole $225 for Diamond Signs and $71.37 for other supplies she had purchased for the gardens, leaving a balance of $928.60. Tina reported that she received checks from the following: $100 from the Men of Rotary, $100 from the Women of Rotary, Nicole presented a check from Barton Lumber for $100, and Theresa received a donation check in the amount of $300 from Elaine Wallace and her two sisters in memory of their mother, bringing the total to $1,528.60 in our account.

It was noted that Exit Realty and Globe have not sent their $100 for this year.

Old Business:

Paula distributed copies of a letter she drafted for the SUN and asked for input. After much discussion and revision, Paula was authorized to revise the letter and make sure that it was 300 words or less. (Thanks Paula)

New Business:

Following discussion on all the hard work Dan Schroth has put into the granite and rock wall, the committee voted to send a thank you note and a monetary token of our appreciation. On a motion by Nicole, seconded by Nancy, that we send $250 to Dan. Motion unamimously adopted. Tina will write a thank you note and send a check. Tina will also write thank you notes to all the garden sponsors and thank those who donated. (Thanks Tina)

Nicole reported on the various gardens and the status of the plantings. The committee decided that pansies should be planted around the edges of each lot and Nicole said $50 would be enough to accomplish this task. Nicole, Theresa and Paul will take care of the planting. (Thanks Nicole).

Nicole reported that the signs should be available for the gardens soon and they will be installed as soon as she receives them from Diamond Signs. She also noted that the ph level at the Rite aid lot is very low and needs more study. The Crescent Street lot is in the shade and may take a little longer for the flowers to appear.

Nicole reported that she had contacted Joe Darrah about mowing at the Aranosian and Washington House lots and he volunteered to do both lots at no cost. The Committee instructed Nicole to let Joe Darrah know that he should keep track of his time on each lot and submit the total so we can issue a letter to him for these in-kind services to send to the IRS with his tax return for this year. Nicole will contact Joe as soon as possible since both lots need mowing as soon as possible. (Thanks Nicole).

Tina will contact Dennis Volpe who has mowed the lots in the past to thank him and let him know that someone has volunteered their services so we would not need his services this year. (Thanks Tina).

Carole reported that since she and Paul were going to be on vacation over Memorial Day, Gerard Leduc would be putting the flags out for Memorial Day. Nicole reported that she had spoken with Dan Ward and he would be giving Carole a call relative to the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts taking over the project or at least let us know what holidays they might be able to cover. Our committee would still be in charge of maintaining the flags and making share they are in good condition.

Nancy said she has obtained a number for the yard sale on June 4th at her home and the article Paula is writing will include this information and have Nancy’s phone number if anyone wants to donate items on behalf of the Beautification Committee. Tina said she would bake something and hopefully any members available that day will assist Nancy with the table for our committee. (Thanks Nancy)

Carole reported that she had received a call from Ted Mitchell who has a friend in Barnstead who would like to donate 6, 7’ shrubs they would like them removed from their property. Ted said he would dig them up and transport them but our committee would have to have the holes dug and be ready for planting when they arrive. It was decided that they would look nice on the Aranosian lot. Nicole suggested that they not be planted until fall. Carole gave Nicole Ted’s number and she will call to get the specifics and see what arrangements can be made. (Thanks Nicole)

Nicole reported that she felt the Washington House lot looks fine and it will be a much larger project for another time. She felt when the pansies are removed from the other lots they could be planted under the tree at the Washington House lot. She has a vision for that lot but she needs to do much more study. This project should be put on our to do list.

Nicole reported that David and Louise Osborne would give us a great discount on the flowers for the flower barrels. (5 plants at $17.50 each for a total of $87.50). Nicole showed the committee three colors and it was decided to get red and white petunias. It was the unanimous consensus of the committee to take advantage of this great deal and Nicole called the Osborne’s. Carole noted that she will not be planting until after June 4th and new soil will be purchased for the barrels since they still have the original soil. Nicole also noted that we could put spikes in the middle or some other plant for height. Nicole will pick up the plants and hold them until they can be planted.

Nicole reported that more mulch will be needed at the Crescent Street lot since the wall is now complete but there are areas to fill in around the perimeter of the wall. Nicole said she was going to get mulch for her own use and said she would have enough to fill in these areas. Nicole has researched blue stones that should be installed at Tilton Hill, Rite Aid and Crescent Street lots outside the perimeter of the gardens. She said she had found some stones at a business in Epsom and they would give us a discount of $42 per yard and she felt it probably would take about 6 yards. She would not know for sure until they were placed. She also said heavy landscape fabric should be installed under the stones and she was given permission to buy what is needed. Everyone agreed on the purchase of the stones and the landscape fabric. Paula volunteered to use her truck to pick up the first load. Nicole said she had some boys she could use on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help with this project. (Thanks Nicole and Paula)

Theresa has put out the donation cans at three locations about town and will check before the next meeting to see if we have received any donations. (Thanks Theresa)

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

We all missed Ida. Nancy will call to see if she would like a ride to the next meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, June 6th at 7 p.m. at Theresa’s. Whereupon the meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carole Richardson, Co-Chair