November 15, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Fred Hast (FH) Arrival at 6:13 P.M., Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman




(GL) Committee Minutes on Website; (PR) 3 Clark Street, Town Library;
(PS) Ted Mitchell/Master Plan Committee Request for Funds, EDC/Assumption of Liability.


7. Ted Mitchell Master Plan Committee Request for Funds

Ted Mitchell: A few meetings ago, I noted that the Master Plan Committee would like to conduct a Town-wide survey at a cost of approximately $1,600, though the latest figures may be more. We would be looking to see if it would be feasible to get a separate line on the budget for this or transfer funds encumbered that were for the CNHRPC. (EV) What is the survey going to be looking at? Ted Mitchell: We are working on that. The survey would be a full page insert in The Sun and would not address generic questions but tailored to the concerns of the citizen such as budget and the various boards. The Committee would make up the survey and CNHRPC would compute the results at an estimated cost of $1,000. (EV) What is the Committee hoping to get from the survey? Ted Mitchell: It would allow the Master Plan to be tailored more to the public requests and get a better feel for what the Town should be looking at in the future years. Master Plan should be succinct so that the average person can look at it and get a feel for what is happening in the Town. Ralph Odell thinks it might cost about $2,100 but that is our request.

(GL) The CNHRPC is already in the budget. Ted Mitchell: Yes, for the Planning Board and since the Master Plan Committee is commissioned and reports to Planning Board, I think it is a legal request.

(PS) Do you disagree with anything in my E-Mail? Ted Mitchell: I based my decision on the last part of the E-Mail. (PS) Look at the E-Mail; you cannot transfer funds from an encumbrance for this purpose. Transfer of funds would be from within the budget as it exists. The Master Plan Committee should be going to the Planning Board, asking for the funds and the Planning Board should be asking the Board of Selectmen to allow the Master Plan Committee to move forward with the survey. The question is: Is the Planning Board asking for the funds?
Ted Mitchell: I am not sure. I think we can table this for now. (GL) It can be on the Planning Board Agenda.

(GL) Motion to table the Master Plan Committee request for funds for survey. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Economic Development Committee/Assumption of Responsibility

(PS) read into the Minutes letter from the Economic Development Committee to the Board of Selectmen dated November 15, 2011. (See attached.)

(EV) What this depicts is a response to the concerns of the citizens so EDC can decide to approve this plan. Nothing has been spent by EDC but it would go through BOS. (PR) Do we have the costs? Shouldn’t we have the final figures? (EV) No new funds but just what is in the fund? (PR) How much is there?
(PS) Approximately $93-95,000. (EV) The money was not targeted for any one project. (FH) It was for the possible purchase and renovation of a building.
(EV) There are not enough funds there to accomplish that. We have several members from the EDC and perhaps they could address this.

Linda Small: The EDC is not asking for any funds at this time. This is in order to talk to property owners and to move forward on some of the goals. (FH) With that kind of money can you move forward? Linda Small: At this point, we are just asking for “your blessing” on the Charrette. (EV) EDC is looking at the goals as set forth in the Charrette and we might need outside help to do that. (PR) Why is this on the Agenda now? Looking at the long term, if you go through the $95,000, what then? (EV) The EDC is looking to bring people in to do what might have to be done to facilitate getting things moving. (PR) What if it costs more? Are you going to request additional funds if you are half done and want to finish it? Linda Small: The tentative goals in the Charrette are all outlined. (PR) As a taxpayer, we cannot afford anything more. Linda Small: It will take big “bucks.” (FH) If I remember it right, to develop that area would cost millions. Linda Small: It is all discussed in the Charrette document. (EV) All the members of the EDC are taxpayers of Pittsfield. We are well aware to not “blow this money.” (PR) Looking at what (FH) pointed out, money was for different use and now you want to use it for something else. Linda Small: If you will look at the Warrant Article, you will note it is a small article. (EV) What we found out in our research is that the funds are still there. All we are asking is the blessing of the Board to continue on with the plan.

(PS) The EDC is asking that the Board of Selectmen accept the report of the Charrette and direct and give responsibility to the EDC to exercise goals of Charrette.

(FH) I would think you would need to “spruce up” Main Street first.

Linda Small: We are spending $5,000 for a document and you are not going to accept it? You are making way more out of it. Just to accept the report is what we are asking. (FH) I did not say that I was not accepting it. (GL) I have no problem with the goals. We are up to our waists in mud and the Charrette can be the starting point. I am more than happy to go forward with it as long as no additional funding is required.

(GL) Motion to accept Guidelines of Charrette for future development of Town.

(GL) reworded motion as:

Motion to accept the request of the EDC that the Board of Selectmen accept the final report generated through the Charrette and authorize the EDC to implement the strategies and goals of the plan. (PR) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

Discussion: (FH) It should be noted that there are two members of the EDC on this Board and they are actually voting for this twice. (PS) This can happen time to time. (EV) I will be voting for this.


(PS) Board has an appointment to conduct interview for Building Inspector.

(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (b). (PR) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:37 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:58 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of November 15, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Transfer from Economic Development Initiative Expendable Trust to the
General Fund in the Amount of $251.43

(FH) Motion to approve transfer from Economic Development Initiative Expendable Trust to the General Fund in the amount of $251.43. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Discussion of the Chief of Police Letter to the Editor

(GL) The reason I brought this up was I do not feel a Department Head should respond via letter to the editor. I do not feel it was a proper way to handle the matter. It should have been through the Town Administrator and the Board.

(PR) When a department keeps getting attacked and frivolous remarks are made, then it should be addressed especially when it is constant. We should have seen to it that it did not occur. (GL) I do not want it to be a habit. (PR) We should be doing something. There is so much more to the criminal aspects in Town that we do not understand or get involved in. If we do not stand behind the Department Heads, then why have them?

(EV) Under certain circumstances, Department Heads are free to respond. Sensitive matters should be cleared through the BOS. I have no problem with it. It was just the Chief responding in general and not to a penned letter. I do not have a problem. The letter was well written, and addressed all the points. Some concerns are not new. (PR) People make these problems and they do not even call the Department Heads to discuss. The paper prints everything and we are left to defend everything. (EV) As previous boards have discussed, it is the understanding that if it is a sensitive matter then Board would address, but in this case is was okay. (FH) It is a well written letter and right to the point. I think he answered all the questions posed.

(EV) The Police Department and Fire Department are always targets for the media. It is with the best interests of the Town that the response is with the right information. (GL) I do not want to open up a can of worms and have the Department Heads going off on their own. (FH) I think it enlightened the whole Town as to what and why cruisers are where they are.

Chief Wharem: The reason I put the article in the paper so citizens will understand why we are out of Town. Everything we do is basically out of Town. No matter what you are doing, it is out of Town. As for details, I hope this will correct misinformation that is out there. This explains to people why cars are out of Town and the only reason I did it was for classification purposes. I think there would be more of a problem by not answering this. A little education never hurts. As far as accountability goes, yes – there are accountability measures. It asked who is running this Town. I was hired to run this department and respond to Board of Selectmen which is what I am doing. Burglaries have gone up more than double this year so far. People have the right to know what we are doing.

3. Resuscitation of Establishment of Ambulance Committee

(PS) This has been placed on the Agenda because it has been a discussion with the Budget Committee regarding ambulance staffing and work shifts year after year. He noted that it was advertised twice with no responses. It was anticipated that the results could be brought before Town Meeting in 2012, but cannot now be accomplished in a timely manner. Does the BOS want to try to create the committee again with a deadline date of June/July 2012? This is up to the Board and you will have to address this at the Town Meeting.

(FH) The Budget Committee did not take to the three Warrant Articles that you developed. (PS) The articles are legal. (FH) We will not gain anything by dropping an EMT. I originally suggested cutting the night time hours rather than cut one person out. (PS) The purpose was to look at the staffing and work shifts.

(EV) Do we want to re-advertise or address at Town Meeting? (PR) noted that he had requested getting prudent information regarding the call volume and to date has never received anything. I received no response. For the record I have asked several times for these records. He was willing to cut out Saturday. We had a volunteer fire department and it has almost become a commercial business.
(FH) If he is looking to cut a Saturday, why not cut a shift?

Board agreed that it was a waste of time and money to re-advertise.

4. Disposition of Building Inspector Car

(PS) The Chief has shared with me that the Building Inspector’s car has been evaluated and it is recommended the car be sold for scrap. I do not know how you would like to respond. (FH) I drove the car for five weeks and the car is not in good condition. (EV) There is a power steering issue and leakage. (PR) What would it take to fix it? We do not have another car that we can use. How severe is it to operate? (PS) We can have someone bring the car to be evaluated pertaining to the costs for fixing. (PR) noted that he would do this. (EV) If we had a Building Inspector, we could always pay him mileage. (PR) will check on getting an estimate for repairs. Board agreed.

5. Acceptance of Gift from the Town of Chichester

(PS) As everyone may be aware, Pittsfield has been registering vehicles for Chichester due to their recent break-in and fire and could not accomplish this. Pittsfield has been doing this for Chichester and they have sent us a check which is for the registration fees which would normally go to them as well as a thank you letter. (EV) read letter of thank you into the Minutes. (See attached.) (PS) to schedule a Public hearing for acceptance of gift probably early in December.

6. Status of Tilton Hill Road Property Eviction

(PS) advised that the process of eviction has begun and Town Attorney has received approval of Court to move forward. It is now up to the Sheriff to remove individual from property.

9. Website

(GL) noted that he had looked at the Website recently and noted that several committees have not submitted Minutes since early July. These committees will be notified so they can bring Website up-to-date to keep people informed as to what is going on in Town.

10. Park Street Property

(PR) What is the status of the vacant building on Park Street? Some neighbors have complained and asked what could be done. (PS) noted that Larry Konopka and he had discussed this and decided that the Highway Department should clean up the property which has been done. In the interim, the owner which is Wells Fargo Bank has someone managing the property. (PR) We need to be kept informed about the property. (PS) noted that their currently is a lien on the property.

11. Library

(PR) The library has mold growing on their basement walls. A dehumidifier is going constantly and the rug is stained. Who would it be that handles this? The gutters need to be cleaned out and also fix the light which is filled with water.
(PS) Maintenance at the Library is a hit-and-miss endeavor. No one person is assigned for this purpose. We cleaned the gutters out last year. (PR) Whoever is in charge, I believe Mr. Anthony, does he do the inside maintenance also?
(PS) He may not be willing to do all that. I know Ron Vien has spent quite a bit of time at the Library. The rug is not helping the issue. (EV) noted he will take a look at it and talk to Sylvia. (PR) It could be a liability for Town with the workers there. (PS) Has this always occurred at Library?

Eric Nilsson requested to comment on this situation. (EV) noted that Board does not usually hear public input at this time, but since Mr. Nilsson has worked on Library before, Board will hear Mr. Nilsson.

Eric Nilsson: Part of the problem is the wall which needs to be pulled out, dug out and stoned. He noted that he thought it was the drain that was the problem.
(EV) noted that this had been discussed previously and it was determined that there were two drains.

(PR) related that there is a product (foam insertions) which can be placed in the gutters which absorbs water and would cost about $50-70 and hopefully could solve some of the problem. (EV) noted he would look at it to see what could be done and (PR) noted he would be happy to assist him.






1. Application for Veterans Tax Credit – Tax Map U03, Lot 34

(PS) Individual qualifies.

(GL) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit – Tax Map U03, Lot 34.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Application for Elderly Exemption – Tax Map U03, Lot 34

(PR) Motion to approve Elderly Exemption – Tax Map U03, Lot 34.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


(GL) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(GL) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of November 1, 2011

(FH) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of November 1, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of November 1, 2011

(PR) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of November 1, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Paul Richardson: It had been discussed putting the power lines underground on Main Street. This could possibly be done with grant money. There are a lot of places that have two poles and they are ugly.

Depot Street where the Five and Dime used to be and the foundation there, nothing is happening with that.

When you are on the Board of Selectmen, people criticize you no matter what. I am not criticizing the Police Chief, but people have a right to their opinions. This matter should have been handled differently. Also the budget with the Warrant Articles regarding personnel – that is a “dumb idea.” Either you do or you don’t. No one wants to see anyone lose their job, but it happens. Cutting it and then flip flopping it back to the voters, I don’t understand that.

Eric Nilsson: What is going on with the Safe Routes to School grant? (PS) The Board just got the Agreement back to the DOT. Eric Nilsson: If you will be starting this project in the winter, it is going to cost a lot more.

Last year I volunteered at the Town Meeting to be on a committee and I never heard anything about it. (PS) The Moderator made the appointments. (EV) you would have to check with the Moderator. Volunteers for committees should be called. Eric Nilsson: I am not trying to stir up problems. (PS) If I remember correctly, the Moderator felt he could not appoint two people to the committee that had signed the original petition. (GL) I would like to see the Moderator’s response to this.

Eric Nilsson: TC’s is not the only garage Town can use. There are two other garages in Town. Why not use them? (PR) When I am having the Building Inspector car evaluated, I will not limit it to one place. (GL) I would like to share the wealth. Eric Nilsson: It keeps honest people honest. (GL) Also by sharing the wealth it keeps people in business.

Eric Nilsson: The gift from Chichester, where is that money going? (Board advised it would go into the General Fund.)

Why do you not allow public input between each item on Agenda? If someone can help, you should give them a chance to speak rather than waiting till the end of the meeting. As Chairman, you can always close it down. Sometimes the public has a little more knowledge on matters. It is something to think about. During the discussion on the EDC letter, there were some sly remarks towards Mr. Hast. You are representing the Town and maybe you did not mean it, but if I was a stranger, I would be concerned.

Close Public Input (8:04 P.M.)


Ballot Vote on Warrant Articles

(PR) What would it take to have a ballot vote on the Warrant Articles?
(FH) Anyone can request a ballot vote with six signatures and submittal to the Moderator. Board discussed method and means of voting by ballot and SB2. (PR) People often vote as their neighbors vote. People cannot complain if they do not get out and vote. I have noted as a person, not as a Selectman, that too many people complain and do not even vote.

Break 8:10 P.M. Resume 8:15 P.M.


(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (d) union negotiations and (e) real estate. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:17 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:25 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of November 15, 2011. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Welfare Director Hours

(GL) The Welfare Director is here only on Tuesdays and Fridays. (PR) I thought the change was only temporary. (FH) I believe the change was because of transportation costs. (PR) There will be more of a demand in the next couple of months. (GL) This should be on the Agenda in the next week so that people will know that we are working on the problem. (PS) Board should adopt a policy.


(PR) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.


_________________________ ________________________
Edward L. Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on November 15, 2011, transcribed and public posted on November 21, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes