November 15, 2011 Minutes

November 15, 2011, 7:00 pm

Present: Sylvia Wallace, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary (Dana Sanson absent with notification)

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia/Mary) to accept minutes of October 18, 2011 meeting with correction.

Old Business:
• Budget Discussion – The director received notification from the Selectboard that they accepted only $1723 of the proposed increase in the budget of $3293. The Budget Committee requested a printout of the salary schedule for personnel which was sent to them by the director.
• Use of Library Policy – After discussion, it was felt that no policy change was needed.
• Catalog Cabinets – Sylvia Wallace inquired of antique dealers the price that was acceptable for the catalog cabinets the trustees had slated to be sold. She was told $300 for the two larger ones and $175 for the small one. These will be offered to patrons of the library at those prices.
• Window Restoration Update – Mr. Roeper, the restorer, has completed and installed 4 more windows and took 3 more to work on. They represent the last of the windows to be done for the first grant received.
• Atriuum Funding – The Director submitted the request for the 2012 Sanderson Fund monies which will support the Atriuum computer system and other items to the Town Trustee of the Trust Funds, Cara Marston.
• 2011 Sanderson Fund – Monies have been received, completing the requested amount. Motion was made (Sylvia/Mary) to accept the monies received for the 2011 year and permission was given to director to apply funds appropriately as requested.
• Lawyer review of library policies – This was discussed and will be considered at the December meeting or into the new year.
• Furnace Room – The room was looked at by the trustees and director and inspected for the possibility of creating a closet to house the items now stored in the Furnace Room and also another closet for chairs and shelving. Monies for doing this work will have to be considered with a quotation review first. The director will look into this.
• The State Safety Inspection – The doors to the hallway cannot be left open at any time unless there is a magnet to close for a fire alarm. The director received a quote on magnet alarm release door holders priced at $350 apiece (two are needed). These were not considered at this time due to cost. (In summer, it helps to have the doors open so the coolness of the lower floor can circulate upstairs.)
• Gifts given to the library – Discussion was held regarding the director’s ability to refuse or accept gifts given to the library. Common practice says that the director may refuse or accept them.
• Mary Schelble gave a brief review of the excellent workshop she attended for trustees of libraries.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion with correction of the year-to-date October balance. Moved and seconded to authorize director to transfer funds from Grants and Trustee accounts to supply line if needed.

New Business:
• Treasurer Sylvia Wallace turned over the CD for a 10 month period at an interest rate of 0.85%.
• Volunteer Judith MacLellan attended a workshop given by the Library Association and gave us a sheet showing the agenda.
• Town Administrator letter – A letter was sent to Paul Skowran regarding mold in the lower floor. There also seems to be a problem with the gutters funneling rain correctly either due to the angle of them or to leaves. Sylvia Wallace has been working on this.

Next Meeting: 7 pm Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Adjournment: Moved and seconded (Sylvia/Mary) to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm.