November 19, 2013 Minutes

November 19, 2013 DRAFT

Present: Mary Schelble, Chair; Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Beverly Pietlicki, Director; Nancy Fogg, Secretary, Jen Mica, Resident.

Meeting Convened: at 7:05 PM by Mary Schelble, Chair

Acceptance of Minutes: October 22, 2013, minutes were accepted as written. (Mary/Nancy)

Old Business:
Library Stairway: At the 11/5/2013, Selectboard meeting, the chairman announced that bids for construction of the stairway would be opened by 11/15/2013, formation of a committee was approved to oversee the project. Library committee members are Dana Sansom, Trustee and Beverly Pietlicki, Director.
Building Inspection Follow Up: The unstable shelf holding audiobooks was repaired by Ray Webber. Repair of furnace insulation will be pursued by Director Pietlicki at the direction of Paul Skowron, Town Administrator. Davis Fuels was recommended because Fuller does not repair insulation.
Circulation Assistant Posting; The job posting for a part time assistant was reviewed.
Telescope Program: Comments about the program introducing the telescope donated by the N. H. Astronomical Society were favorable. A second out-door event may be planned. Rules have been established for use of the telescope. An acknowledgement to NHAS is being prepared.
Alternate Board Member: No action taken.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: The reports were accepted as presented. A Technology Plan for 2014 continues to be refined and will be incorporated in the policy manual..

New Business:
Elevator Repair: John Meyer repaired the button needed to operate the elevator. Replacement, if needed, is estimated at $500.
2014 Technology Plan and 2014 Sanderson Grant: An application will be filed for a grant from the Sanderson Fund for assistance with implementing the technology plan.
Author Presentaton: Members from the historical society and library have started preparations to host author, Michele Albion. A date in February 2014 was suggested. Location and other details are being discussed.
Replacement of Director’s Desk: Research is underway to replace the Director’s desk which is no longer functional.

Adjournment: 8:05 PM (Dana/Nancy)

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: No meeting was scheduled.

Next Monthly Meeting: December 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM

Submitted by Nancy Fogg, Secretary