November 30, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Pittsfield Budget Committee Meeting Minutes 11/30/11

Present: Louis Houle, Mark Riel, Fred Hast, Bill Abbott, Joan Osborne, Larry Williams, Stan Bailey, Wilber Maxfield, Dick Munn, Helen Schiff & Clayton Wood (School Board Representative)
Meeting called to order @ 7:04 by Vice Chair Houle.
Stan Bailey made a motion to approve the 11/16 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by Wilber Maxfield and approved by the board.
School budget packets/folders were distributed to those who had not yet picked them up. The school budget review process will begin on 12/7.
Public Input: None
General review of the Proposed Budget resumed
Mr. Houle asked Paul Skrowron to clarify with the Chief of Police as to why he wrote the bullet proof vest line as submitted. The way it is written it would appear that there is no need for replacement but funds are allocated.
Mark Riel asked for an update on the ComStar billing option for the ambulance. Mr. Skrowron replied that the Fire Chief has been on vacation so he has no update. It was also asked if we can have the specific hours of calls for the ambulance and fire pinpointed. The Fire Department secretary will prepare the detail the next time she works and it will be provided to the board. Board reviewed the detail provided indicating the number of ambulance calls and transports and the amount of dollars billed. Paramedic intercept and the revenue generated was also part of this discussion.
Building Inspector position was discussed. The position is currently vacant. Selectman Hast is currently filling in. We have on call professionals to do the required inspections for their respective trades should we need their services.
Stipend/payment for the use of the personal vehicle used by George Bachelder was again discussed. Mr. Skrowron explained that this compensation was agreed to by the BOS several years ago and payment is now made by calculated business mileage used by Mr. Bachelder instead of a flat fee payment.
The method of payment for Tax revenue to support BCEP for each Town was discussed. Mark Riel will report the method as well as the expected rate of tax revenue budgeted by BCEP for Pittsfield in 2012 at the next meeting.
There was discussion surrounding the Economic Development budget line by several members who suggested that we be visited by the board to show proof as to how these budgeted dollars are helping to bring new business to our community. It was suggested that Ed Vien attend an upcoming meeting to talk about this.
There was discussion and confusion over the amount of reserve dollars that have been moved over to the general budget to offset the tax rate and keep the rate constant. Mr. Skrowron explained that a total of $214,000 has been moved. Mr. Skrowron also explained this was necessary as the school portion of the tax rate increased at a much greater rate than the slight reduction in the Town portion.
General overview of the Town Budget completed
A motion to adjourn the meeting was accepted from Fred Hast, seconded by Bill Abbott. Unanimously approved by the Board.
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday December, 7th

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Riel