November 4, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting


ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Chairman.

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present:

Bill Miskoe (BM), Chairman, Ted Mitchell (TM), Vice Chairman, Daniel Greene (DG), Dan Schroth (DS), Fred Hast (FH), Selectman Ex Officio, Pat Hefferman (PH)**, Clayton Wood (CW)*, Alternate and Doug Potter, Recording Secretary

*Seated at 7:04 pm
**Seated at 7:17 pm

Members Absent:

Rich Hunsberger (RH)

ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes of October 21, 2010

(FH) Motion to approve Minutes of October 21, 2010 as amended.
(TM) Second. Carried 6-0. (DG) Abstain (not present at the October 21, 2010 meeting)

Changes to October 21, 2010 Draft Minutes: Page 2, second item up from bottom. Change “Waivers have” to read “the application has” no regional impact.
ITEM 4. Conceptual Hearing for plan to demolish the P & M Market (6,600 sq. ft.) on 12 Catamount Road and rebuild it to house a Family Dollar Store (8,000 sq. ft.), Tax Map U01, Lot 9. Request was filed by Donald Sheldon, 708 South Main Street, Bradford, MA 01835.

(BM) A Conceptual presentation is non-binding. Nothing we say tonight should be taken as a guarantee. It’s a great time to air out things. This is an informal, non-binding hearing and an exchange of information.

Don Sheldon: Want to see how the Town feels about it. Put the property under agreement a couple weeks ago. Thinks that a Family Dollar store is a good fit. Family Dollar was interested in finding a location in town. First thought was whether or not to renovate. Building was constructed in 1950. They want 8,000 sq feet. Determined it was cheaper to build new, take down the old building. There will be ample parking around the side. Will disturb the property as little as possible. Will put down a new slab. Spoke to Ray and Sue in the back, they are positive. Don inquired what zone is this in. Thinks it’s in Urban but would like to confirm. A concern is the “set back” requirements in the two zones. Informed the Board this will be an 8,000 sq foot building and have 34 parking spots – should be able to meet the parking requirements.

(TM) Looked up zoning – determined the lot is in Commercial. (BM) We are all set then. Believes there is a 10 foot set-back in Commercial Zone. (FH) There needs to be a fire lane around the entire building. Believes it needs to be a minimum of 25 ft. but will need to run it by the Fire Chief.
(BM) Fire Chief may have other overriding requirements that have nothing to do with this Board. Board will review site plans. Keep in mind the Fire Chief may have thoughts on this. Be prepared for that.
(BM) Bound by 10 ft. lot line offset because this is Commercial. No specific requirements on signs.
Don Sheldon asked the Board what they thought the general feeling is about having a business like this? Board felt it will be a positive addition to the Town. Don Sheldon indicated he tried to get a grocery store, but grocers wanted something bigger. Wants to look at locations up on Rte 28 as possible sites for grocery stores. Mentioned Market Basket. Discussed zoning changes up on Route 28.
(FH) Need to get permit from Dan Kramer to tear down building.
Don Sheldon: Family Dollar will employ approximately 15 or 16 employees, mostly part-time, perhaps two or three full-time. Hours will likely be from about 8:00 am to 7:00 or 8:00 P.M. Current assessment is about $250k. Will be slightly higher than that once built.
(BM) Board is likely to approve. There is a 30-day appeal period.
(BM) This concludes Item 4 on the Agenda.

ITEM 5. New Business

(BM) Thought the letter (TM) drafted was terrific.

(PH) Motion to publish Public Letter in The Sun. (CW) Second.
Carried 7-0.

ITEM 6. Selectman’s Report – Fred Hast. Selectman Ex Officio
– $30.66 new tax rate.
– Interim replacement Selectmen have been chosen. They are Art Morse and Fred Okrent.

ITEM 7. Building Inspector Report



Matt Monahan, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, passed out Pittsfield traffic counts and accidents graph. Board discussed. Pointed out the accident numbers are generated by NH State Police. It appears that most accidents are in the downtown area. Locations with lower traffic volumes have more accidents.

Matt Monahan: Tonight, let’s take one last look at what we’ve done and decide whether or not we need one more meeting.

Article 1: Purpose and Authority (Page 7): I tweaked it slightly. Just made it more current.

Article 2: Has changed quite a bit. Everything highlighted has changed.
Discussion on lots in multiple zones – give landowner more decision power.

Shooting Range: Matt Monahan: Will have slight change where residential and nonresidential meet. Talked about buffers. He asked (PH) if he had a definition of shooting range. (PH) Still waiting for info.

Matt Monahan: Next meeting we’re done with this. Requested members to bring inputs to the next meeting.

Class VI Roads: (BM) I’ve been asked by a couple of people, what’s going to happen on Class VI roads. Discussed subdivisions on Class VI roads. Board discussed improvements applicant would need to make to bring the road up to a Class V road before Town would take it over. Applicant submits in writing, if road is not maintained by town. (BM) Owner would sign Waiver – agrees to keep up the road. There is a mud season, snow storms, etc.
Frontage: Getting back to frontage, there can’t be any subdivisions on Class VI roads. (BM) There never has been a frontage definition. Discussion – difference between a Class VI and a Class V road is a maintenance standard only, not how the road is built. Question is whether or not the road is Town-maintained or not.
Two Family Dwellings (See Page 15): (DS) brought up zoning for duplex homes. Add by Exception in Rural.
Bed and Breakfast Page 11: Matt Monahan: See comments. Few things to tweak for Bed and Breakfast. Change E to a Y in Urban.
Hotel. See Page 13. In Urban Zone. Put E in Urban and also E in Suburban, E in Rural, and Y in Light Industrial/Commercial.
Bakery: See Page 11. Put E in Urban.
Theater: See Page 13. Put E in Urban.
Sawmill/Forestry: Matt Monahan: Merge Sawmill with Forestry? (BM) Doesn’t see that. Sawmill is industrial thing.
Farming and Forestry: Matt Monahan: Merge Tree Farming and Forestry? Board decided to combine them.
Recreation Facility/Health Club/Sports: Matt Monahan: Suggested merging Recreation Facility with Health Club/Sports. Add it into (see Page 12) Health Club/Indoor Sports Facility/Recreation Facility. Make by right in Suburban, nothing in Urban, by Exception in Rural, and Y in Commercial and Y in Light Industrial/Commercial.
Conditional Use Permit: Matt Monahan: Last issue, turn to Page 15, Paragraph 3.10. Call it a Conditional Use Permit – must prove parking is available. (TM) Thinks it should be left as is, maybe do something with the Table.

Matt Monahan: I will E-mail these changes to Board members.

(DS) What zones would have no parking? All zones East of the river and South of Berry Avenue. See Paragraph 3.10 on Page 15.

Matt Monahan: Next thing to look at is the calendar. This has to hit the paper by January 7, 2011. We have roughly two months to work with this. (BM) Need to have a multi-board meeting in December. Last opportunity to talk among ourselves is November 18th. He suggested having a joint meeting on November 18th.
Discussion: Can finalize at either the December 2nd or the December 16th meeting. If no business on the 2nd, we can work this then. If business, move the session to the 16th.
Matt Monahan: One public hearing is required by law. First of required public hearings – between the 7th and the 18th of January. Publish notice for Public Hearing for January 6, 20 11. Board decided to have a Public Hearing on January 6, 2011 and a second on January 20th, if needed. The “Public Informational Presentation” (not required by law) will be on December 16, 2010. Sometime after that, a draft copy will be made available for the meeting held on January 6, 2011.
(CW) Suggested making the handouts abbreviated, include the changes only because the overall document is too large. Otherwise, it will be too confusing.
Discussion: Town Counsel should perform a legal review. Right after that will be the meeting with all Boards and then send to Town Counsel again.
(BM) It should go to lawyers after December 2, 2010 but prior to December 16th.
Matt Monahan will make the necessary changes. Timeframe between December 2nd and December 16, 2011. This will give the attorney time to review in order to make available to Public at the Informational Presentation on December 16th. Location of Informational Presentation will be at school. (PH) Need to give the school a heads-up call. (BM) Will call. The elementary school cafeteria is a good alternate location. BM to make these calls.

ITEM 9. Members Concerns

(BM) Discussed vacating the Planning Board position due to the number of meetings member has not attended. (DS) Can we remove someone who was elected?
Discussion: Selectmen may remove for cause. Need to send letter to Town Clerk and courtesy copy to the Board of Selectmen. Board discussed appointing interim Board members. Interim appointees will serve until next election. Planning Board will appoint the new member.
(BM) Send letter to Town Clerk for “neglect of duty” (more than three unexcused absences).

(PH) Motion to remove Richard Hunsberger. (FH) Second.
Discussion? None. Vote: 3- 3. 1 Abstain. Motion fails.

ITEM 10. Public Input


ITEM 11: Adjournment

(PH) Motion to adjourn. (TM) Second. Carried 7-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M.

Approved: November 18, 2010

______________________________ _____________________
John W. (Bill) Miskoe, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on November 4, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on November 10, 2010

Doug Potter, Recording Secretary

II Tapes
Planning Board
Minutes November 4, 2010