November 9, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
November 9, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:32.

2. Attendees: Susan Muenzinger (SM) (acting as chairperson) Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), and Matt Monahan (MM) from CNHRPC.

3. Minutes from October 26, 2011 accepted as written.

A. Election results
1. Cedric Dustin is chairperson, Helen Schiff is vice chair, Lyn Roberts is secretary,
2. Linda Small is treasurer and Liam Loquin is Board member., Ed Lagraize stepped down as
Board member
B. SVRDC is liaison between the EDC and the town, and it is EDC’s responsibility to implement
the Charrette
C. EDC needs a letter from Town Board of Selectmen stating that
1.They accept the results of the Charrette, and give permission to implement the recommendations
2. Define what the expectations are of reporting back to the Board
3. This is a formal acknowledgement of the Charrette as a planning document
4. Paul Skowron will draw up a letter to the Board of Selectmen putting this on next agenda

5. MM contacted Single Digits, but is waiting for a call back from them

6. MM went to a medical symposium (trade show) in Boston
A. Many doctors want to have an office with a group of doctors
B. He put his name on mailing list for information
C. A Boston Biotech Conference is coming soon
1. Cost is $2000
2. Planning commission may pay for 1/2 the cost
3. Financiers and investors will be there.

7. Pittsfield’s Economy – Past Present and Future
A. MM showed us a slide presentation that will be given to Historical Society
B. We gave a few suggestions for editing

8. Next meeting November 30, 2011.

9. Meeting closed at 6:30 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary