October 18, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting
OCTOBER 18, 2007
ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:04 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Vice -Chairman.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present: Eric Bahr (EB), Chairman, (Arrival at 7:10 P.M.) Bill
Miskoe (BM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), (Arrival at 7:30 P.M.), Rich
Hunsberger (RH), Daniel Greene (DG), Arthur Morse (AM), Selectman Ex
Officio Alternate, Chris Conlon (CC), Alternate, and Delores Fritz,
Recording Secretary.
Members Absent: Paul Metcalf (PM), John Lenaerts (JL) Selectman Ex
Officio, and Peter Newell (PN), Alternate.
ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes of September 20, 2007 and October 4,2007
(RH) Motion to approve Minutes of September 20,2007. (DG) Second.
Carried 4-1 (AM) Abstain.
(RH) Motion to approve Minutes of October 4, 2007. (CC) Second. Carried
4-1 (DG) Abstain.
ITEM 4. Members Concerns
(EB) noted that in fairly short order, he would be moving to Manchester.
The first thing on the Agenda for the next meeting will be to elect a new
ITEM 5. Work Session
(EB) noted that the Board could “power through” some of the definitions or
go on to define the hard ones such as frontage and cluster. (BM) suggested
that they start with frontage. (EB) related that we have three definitions of
frontage that we could use: One as defined by (BM); two as defined by Mr.
Pritchard; or three as we currently have it noted in the Ordinance. The
frontage definition as proposed by (BM):
– Frontage – The continuous distance along the/ lot line dividing a lot
(*on a Class V road or better) from either:
– A public highway maintained by the town, or:
– A road shown on a Major Subdivision plan approved by the Planning
Board in accordance with the subdivision regulations, or;
– A Class VI public highway shown on a Minor Subdivision plan
approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the subdivision
(BM) noted that this would solve several problems. In most cases it would
be frontage on Class V or better but when subdivided, it is not yet a Class V
road. Are we encouraging development on Class VI roads. If we open all
Class VI roads to development, we may not be growing in the right
direction. (RH) noted that we should not leave Class VI roads out just
because they are Class VI roads. He questioned, “What about a continuous
lot that is on two roads?” How about adding the word *“front” in the
definition between “the” and “lot”? (BM) noted that it would be continuous
even if it did go around a corner and was on two roads. (RH) So, could it be
two lot lines. (BM) noted that this is a big issue all over the State. “Are we
going to say that there is only one frontage not two on a lot? I do not know
what advantage there is to wraparound frontage as it always has to go to
ZBA to ask for Variance.” (EB) noted that it does not need to be continuous
frontage but frontage that you use. (RH) did not agree with (EB). He
argued why couldn’t you have frontage that you do not use, and use another
access point? (EB) again noted that the frontage should be the one you take
the access from. (BM) questioned what is the reason for not doing that?
(EB) noted that the purpose is to have a frontage requirement and then
specify it. (BM) noted that the purpose of minimum frontage and minimum
acreage is to satisfy the density retaining mechanism. (EB) agreed that the
purpose of frontage is to control density. (RH) noted that we should not care
where road access is as long as it meets density and fro ntage requirement.
(BM) noted that you cannot disqualify people on Class VI from doing
subdivision. (EB) also noted that minor subdivision on Class VI is
acceptable. To the definition we could also add in the first line, “*on a Class
V road or better.” (FH) noted that the person building would have to come
before BOS, road agent would have to review and also resident would have
to sign a waiver. (RH) noted that you cannot sign away another person’s
liability such as a visitor to your house. He noted t hat in Barnstead,
subdivisions on Class VI roads have to be within 500 ft. of a Class V road,
for safety issues. He also noted that you can approve a subdivision on a
Class VI road and by the time the builders start, it might be a Class V road.
(EB) related, “Does anyone argue that we should not allow subdivision on
Class VI road?” Board all answered No.
(EB) Does everyone agree we should do what Barnstead does? Board all
answered No.
(EB) Does everyone agree that we should have frontage definition as noted
by (BM) with just the few changes? Board agreed. So we will leave it like
it is? All agreed.
(EB) noted that because you build a road to Class V specs, it does not mean
that the Town maintains it. (BM) Again, do you have to have driveway or
access from frontage? (FH) agreed that you have to enter/exit on frontage as
Break at 8:10 P.M. Resume at 8:17 P.M.
(EB) again reviewed the definition of frontage noting that you can do a
minor subdivision without doing a road.
Members of the Board continued and approved the following definitions:
Development of Regional Impact Dwelling
Dwelling, Multi-Family Dwelling, Single-Family
Dwelling, Two-Family Family
Fence Flea Market
Floor Area Gross Forestry
Funeral Home Greenhouse
Health Club/Indoor Sports Facility Home Occupation
Hotel In-Law Apartment
Liquid Fuel Storage (Liquid Fuel Products)
Definition for Floor Area Ratio was eliminated completely.
(BM) noted that some changes would also have to be made in Table 2.
(EB) requested Board members to review the additional definitions as
outlined in the text they currently have, noting that at the next Work Session,
it would be possible to go through them quickly and go on to Ordinances.
He noted that currently there is only one Public Hearing scheduled on
November 1st and we will continue with the Work Session after that hearing
on that date.
(BM) Motion to Adjourn. (DG) Second. Carried 5-0.
Work Session adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Approved: November 1,2007
_________________________ ___________________
Eric Bahr, Chairman Date
_________________________ ____________________
Bill Miskoe, Vice-Chairman Date