October 2, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting

DATE: Thursday, October 2, 208

ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Rich Hunsberger, Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present: Rich Hunsberger, (RH), Chairman, Gerard Leduc (GL), Vice-Chair, Fred Hast (FH), Marilyn Roberts (MR), Daniel Greene (DG), Dan Schroth (DS), Alternate, Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Dan Schroth (DS) Alternate and Tom Hitchcock (TH) Alternate were seated on the Board.

Members Absent:

Robert Elliott (RE), and Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex-Officio

ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2008

(DG) Motion to approve Minutes of September 28, 2008. (DS) Second.
Carried 5-0. (DG) and (GL) Abstain.

ITEM 4. New Business


ITEM 5. Selectman’s Report

(LK) not being present tonight, Denise Morin, Selectman, was in the audience. Board requested a Selectman report from her. She related that the Board is in the process of reviewing Budgets and continuing to pursue level funding. Paul Skowron, new Town Administrator has attended his first Board of Selectman meeting, WIFI is now in Town, and the Board will be interviewing the four applicants for the vacancy position on the BOS on October 21st.

ITEM 6. (RH) noted that the Building Inspector is not present tonight. “I have met with him and provided him with a list to streamline the Site Plan application. He noted he would bring in a couple of forms from Dunbarton for comparison/review.”

(FH) noted that he had also met with the Building Inspector. He advised that he had one from Dunbarton that he would share with Board. He is unable to make meetings on Thursdays as he has other commitments.


(FH) questioned whether all the CIP’s were now received. (RH) “Yes, I believe so. Their wish would be to spend a million dollars.” (FH) “The CIP splits it up, almost like Capital Reserve. The Public Works is projecting for a new building. We could add on to the DPW and renovate. Some people say we need a new building but you are talking $2-3 M. To renovate would be a lot more reasonable.”

(RH) You all have a copy of the announcement for release to the newspaper prepared by (TH) and (DS). Other than phone number being incorrect, everything else is okay. Does anyone want to make any changes to it? We will need to wait before “publication” as to the availability of the school. I would hate to run the ad without school confirmation. (FH) Paper comes out on October 15th; it would not be too early. (RH) The Sun would run the ad for three weeks, the same thing every week.


Board reviewed the structures exempt from setbacks and height as presented by (RH). (DS) “I like that signs are exempt from setbacks.” (RH) Commercial enterprises would still have to go through Site Plan Review.

(DS) After reviewing the Cluster Zoning Criteria, I like that also. It simplifies it using 70% of the land. (RH) Ultimately, what would dictate the size of the land would be the DES. (DS) I like that we can look at their design. (RH) It gives us the ability to say more about the design. I don’t think a developer would have any problem with that. (DS) “I like this because it is not a “big book.” (RH) At some point, we will be doing something with elderly housing. (DG) On the second to last paragraph, how does that figure? They cannot use wetlands as common area. (RH) noted that wetlands can be part of the common area. Board further discussed the density issue. It was noted that developer could only use 70% of the land by using the formula as indicated. (DG) So, if it is 10 acres or 5 acres, they can still only use 70%. (RH) It is gauged by the structure of the land, high and dry land will figure into it. (FH) In the Rural Zone, it allows for two to one. A lot of open land might get a little bit more. (RH) Ultimately, it will all come out in the Site Plan Review. There are all different kinds of designs out there and some of them are really nice ones.

Board continued to discuss various criteria for Auto Dealer, Bakery, Cluster Development, Event, Fairgrounds, Home Occupation, and Kennel. (See attached Proposed Zoning Ordinances Changes.)

ITEM 9. Public Input

Jim Theodore noted, “Since the last time I was here, you are really getting things done.” (RH) noted that this is a very cooperative Board. We have had a lot of discussion and we are glad that it has been done on time.

ITEM 10. Adjournment

(GL) Motion to adjourn. (DG) Second. Carried 7-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Approved: October 16, 2008

_________________________ _______________________
Rich Hunsberger, Chairman Date