October 21, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting


ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present:

Bill Miskoe (BM), Chairman, Ted Mitchell (TM), Vice Chairman, Fred Hast, Selectman Ex Officio, Dan Schroth (DS), Pat Heffernan (PH), Clayton Wood (CW), Alternate, (seated at 7:30 P.M.), and Doug Potter, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent:

Rich Hunsberger (RH) and Daniel Greene (DG).

ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes of October 7, 2010

(TM) Motion to approve Minutes of October 7, 2010. (CW) Second.
Carried 6-0. Minutes approved and accepted as presented.

ITEM 4. A Public Hearing for application for a Lot Line Adjustment filed by Henry and Starla Frenette, 101 Berry Pond Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R31, Lot 3-1) and Mark Weldon, 53 Berry Pond Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R31, Lot 5). The properties are owned by Henry and Starla Frenette and Mark Weldon respectively. These properties are located in the Rural Zone.

Presentation was made by surveyor Jacque Belanger on behalf of Mark and Starla Frenette and Mark Weldon.

(BM) Informed the public and applicants that not all Board members were present and that they were entitled to a full Board and could continue this in the future. It was decided to proceed. (BM) Once a properly presented application for a lot adjustment is brought forth, the Board will determine whether or not to grant the Waivers. Board will address each Waiver individually.

(DS) Motion to approve Waiver for wetland delineation (Item 19 on application.) (TM) Second. Carried 6-0.

(CW) Motion to grant Waiver to allow use of re-bars for boundary survey. (Item No. 21 on application.) (CW) Second. Carried 6-0.

Item 26. Any further discussion? None.

(CW) Motion to approve Waiver for 2’ contour intervals. (TM) Second. Carried 6-0.

Item 30: Discussion. Grant?

(CW) Motion to approve Waiver for State Plane Coordinates.
(TM) Second. Carried 6-0.

(BM) All the waivers have now been granted.
Does application have any regional impact?

(DS) Motion made that application has no regional impact. (TM) Second. Carried 6-0.

(TM) Motion has been made to accept the application. (CW) Second. Carried 6-0.

(CW) Motion to approve the Lot Line Adjustment Tax Map R31, Lot 3-1 and Tax Map R31, Lot 5. (PH) Second. Carried 6-0.

(BM) Applicants were advised of the thirty (30) day appeal period.

ITEM 5. A Conceptual Hearing filed by Peter and Janice Osborn,
P.O. Box 217, Pittsfield, NH 03263 regarding intent to relocate a portion of business located at 100 Barnstead Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R15, Lot 27) to another location.

Janice Osborn addressed the Board. Board agreed it would be best to come in and make presentation and see if the Board agrees with (BM’s) feelings on this. Location currently is at 100 Barnstead Road. Question – What will you do with the old building, knock it down? Ms. Osborn: “We are not sure yet. We will move the trucking company if another location for a piece of property is found. We want to stay close to Pittsfield. We’ve looked at other properties. This property is more than adequate in size.” I came to the Town and talked to Dee Fritz and she suggested I talk to the Building Inspector.

(PH) I think it’s a good idea. The land is not being used to its full potential. It will also clean things up in that part of town.

Building Inspector (Dan) saw no problems with the Osborn’s proposal.

Continued work session on the revision of Zoning Ordinances with Matt Monahan, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission.

Move to Page 14:
(BM) The more items on the menu the better.

Printing and Publishing: (BM) Recommend allowing in Urban by Exception and by right in Light Industrial/Commercial. Agreed.
Private Membership, Fraternal and Social Organization or Club: Add by Exception in Light Industrial/Commercial.
Public Transportation Facilities: (DS) I like the Y’s where they are. Agreed.
Radio/TV Stations & Studios: Keep as is.
Recording Studio: Keep as is.
Raising and Keeping of Swine: Leave as is.
Repair Shop: Discussed the definition of repair shops. Keep as is.
Research & Development Offices, Medical & Testing Laboratories: Keep as is.
Recreational Facility (Bowling alley, billiards & similar): Keep as is.
Residential Post Secondary School or College with Dormitories: Add by right in Light/Industrial/Commercial.
Residential Social Service Center: No change.
Restaurant with Drive Through: No change.
Restaurant with no Drive Through: Add by Exception in Rural.
Rooming House: Make by Exception in Rural.
Restaurant: Cross out.
Retail Sales: Make by right in Light Industrial/Commercial.
Sales, Repair or Rental of Truck or Construction Equipment: Add by Exception in Commercial – keep by right in Light Industrial/Commercial.
Salvage Yards: (BM) Must make by right somewhere. Matt Monahan noted he thought it could be by Exception, should be by right in Light Industrial/Commercial. Board agreed and added.
Sawmill: Ok as is.
Schools: Leave as is.
Self-Storage: (BM) Add Y in Light Industrial/Commercial. Keep same elsewhere.
Service Stations: Discussed the definition of service stations. Leave as is.
Senior Housing: Add by Exception in Rural.
Single Family Dwelling: Keep as is.
Shooting Range: Add as Exception in Rural. Change to Y in Light Industrial Commercial.
Page 15:
Stable: Leave as is.
Theater: Leave as is.
Tree Farming: Leave as is.
Transportation Services: (BM) Recommended adding “Transportation Services.” Matt Monahan suggested calling it Transportation Logistics and make it by right in Light Industrial/Commercial and by Exception in Urban. All approved. See Transportation Logistics.
Two Family Dwelling: Add by Exception in Urban and Suburban.
Veterinary Hospital: By Exception in Suburban. No change elsewhere.
Warehouse and Wholesale: Add Y in Commercial. No change elsewhere.

Matt Monahan: Discussed size of lots. Proposes increase in density. More business lots can be developed. Require enough “set back” to accommodate sidewalks. Outline is rough, can put in guidelines for parking. Owner must prove he/she has available parking. Board will think about Matt’s proposal and discuss next time.

Table 2:
Board discussed going to 100’ wide lots in Suburban. Decided to look at this later.

Page 17:
Discussion on Definitions:

Agriculture is first place where there is a change. It can be stuck on any parcel of at least two acres in size.
Automobile Dealer: Change to Motor Vehicle Dealer. Make new and used motor vehicles.
Bed & Breakfast/Established Inn: (TM) Put “/” between breakfast and Established Inn. Added.
Buildable Acre: Matt Monahan will put in common definition.
Combined Dwelling and Business: Matt Monahan stated he changed the definition in order to clarify.
Frontage: Definition was lacking so Matt revised.
Fuel Storage: Discussed changing the definition to include petroleum, liquid and gas fuel.
Home Occupation: One simple definition now. Is now a fairly common definition per Matt Monahan.
Multi-Family Dwelling: Definition was revised.
Recreation Indoor and Outdoor was revised.
Firing Range: Board discussed adding a Firing Range Definition.
Restaurant: Do away with “inside the building.”
Parking Permit: Matt Monahan revised to define it.
Self-Storage Facility: Removed “possessions.”
Setback: Matt Monahan will work on the definition.
Senior Housing: Second part comes out.
Shooting Ranges: Note: (PH) knows quite a bit about shooting ranges so will send Matt Monahan a draft definition by E-mail so it can be discussed in the future.
Storage Container: Definition changed.
Telecommunications Equipment and Facility: Revised.
Transportation Logistics: Add Transportation Logistics. Needs to be defined.

End of Work Session discussion – 9:10 pm

ITEM 6. New Business
Next meeting will be on November 4, 2010. Will otherwise be a business meeting.

ITEM 7. Building Inspector Report

Dan Kramer, Building Inspector (DK): The Selectmen approved the new software on Tuesday and it will be installed soon. Union Block: The fire escape is coming down. Have a permit. Would like to save the building. Won’t last long if it stays the way it is. Tilton Hill: Discussed the Tilton Hill condemned property. Trying to get it cleaned up. Have seen the owner. Dowboro Road: Board discussed the condemned house on Dowboro Road. The people are living in the trailer. Work being done to “neaten it up.”
134 South Main: There is another property at 134 South Main. Asked Hank Fitzgerald to help. There are ways of salvaging the building. Was out there today with Hank. There is a lot to be done.
(PH) What’s up with the fireworks magazine on Webster Road? Per Dan (Building Inspector), the Fire Chief (Gary) is involved. Information is slow coming though.

ITEM 8. Selectman’s Report – Fred Hast, Selectman Ex Officio

ITEM 9. Public Input

The application for lot line adjustment was approved.
(BM) Now open to public. No public input.

Public Input Closed

ITEM 10. Members Concerns

(BM) Discussed the removal of a Board member for not attending meetings. (DS) Not in favor of removing someone who is elected. (BM) It will be put to a vote.

(PH) What’s happening with the Public Hearing on all of these changes? (BM) After we’re finished. There will be an informational discussion and the public will be invited.

ITEM 11: Adjournment

(TM) Motion to adjourn. (DS) Second. Carried 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.

Approved: November 4, 2010

______________________________ _____________________
John W. (Bill) Miskoe, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 21, 2010, transcribed and public posted on October 20, 2010.

Doug Potter, Planning Board Recording Secretary

II Tape
Planning Board Minutes – October 28, 2010