October 23, 2014 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
Draft of Minutes for October 23, 2014 Meeting

Call to order: 7:04 PM by Chairman Chris Hill.

Present: Chairman Chris Hill (CH), Secretary Diana Westgate (DW), Owen David (OD), Carl Wallman (CW), Alternate Ted Mitchell (TM)

Meeting minutes: September 25 Minutes accepted with changes.

Treasurer’s Report: Not available because of printing problems with the new program. They should be worked out shortly.

Old Business

Bear-Paw Goose Pond Conservation Update: Mark West plans to give a map presentation at a time to be determined. Any contributions to Bear-Paw will be matched through October. They are offering a program on Stone Walls on October 21.

Town-owned Lots Consolidation Project Update: Tim Fleury, Merrimack County Forrester will attend the November PCC meeting to discuss the properties with us.

NHACC Meeting November 1st. CM, TM, DO plan to attend.

Budget. Due October 17. CH has already submitted it.

Fundraising. PCC might want to increase the money available to it through fund raising. A scholarship to study in a field related to conservation is one possible use of money raised.

New Business

Posting of Agendas and Minutes. We raised the question of better ways to post draft versions of PCC agendas and minutes.

Ag Commission. Held its first meeting. Dottie Perkins from the NH Cooperative Extension for Agriculture, Bob Johnson from the Farm Bureau, Ralph Odell, TM, CH, Ray Connor attended. The plan is to create an Agricultural Committee, not a commission.

Trails Meeting. Moving forward.

Adjournment: 7:58 PM.

The next meeting will be November 20, 2014. Submitted by: DW, Secretary