October 24, 2013 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
October 24, 2013

The Committee met at Nancy’s House

Carole opened the meeting at 8:55 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Paula, Ted, Nancy, Carol, and Gail

Members Absent: Theresa, Dawn, and Nicole

Secretary’s Report: Carol will send last month’s Washington House meeting minutes and today’s minutes out in an email on Friday.

Treasurer’s Report: Tina gave a review of our balance, recent receipts and expenditures for the Washington House Lot.

New Business:

Carole asked everyone for ideas for thanking Dan and Joe for all the time they have devoted to committee projects.
It was decided that we would give them Holiday baskets like last year that will include pies (Tina), cookies (Paula), beer (Carol), grocery store gift cards (Carole) and Jason will donate Jack’s pizza gift cards any other donations will be welcome. Carole will deliver the baskets the Monday before Thanksgiving. Ted will find out what would be appropriate for Joe. Carole will send out an email reminding everyone.

Carole will be contacting Nicole concerning the edging at the Washington House lot.

Ted said he will have a preliminary idea ready for the Aranosian Lot in the spring.

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

Our next meeting will be scheduled by Carole in the spring.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.