October 25, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), (Arrival at 6:13 P.M.), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Ted Mitchell: I have three things I need to address. The first is the Suncook River Nomination Committee. There is a great deal of information which needs to be compiled and I would like to have the Conservation Committee involved in this. It is necessary to get individuals on the river to take photos of “special areas such as fishing spots, rock formations, and scenic areas,” also the flora and fauna that is found in that area as well as some type of count of “waterflow.” I have a guide for reference. There are currently nine towns involved. (EV) to contact Mark Wallace in reference to this along with the paperwork – deadline for submittal is
May 1, 2012 for bill sponsoring.

The second issue is that the Master Plan Committee would like to conduct a Town survey at a cost of $1,600, which will be covered by the parameters of the CNHRPC and $1,000 to be contributed by them. Do we need a Warrant Article for this and where would the additional $600 be derived from?

At a recent CNHRPC meeting it was mentioned that the Highway Department could inventory the roads in Town to include the status of the road and any pending improvements that need to be accomplished. CNHRPC advised that they have a software program available that George can use for this that would make the task easier. (PS) to check with George.

Maurice Wells: What about the mowing at the BCEP? (EV) I talked to George and he noted that he did not mow the hill. He was asked to merely mow a small portion of that area which they could not accomplish with their mowers, about an hour’s work. Maurice Wells: He mowed the entrance, towards the old dump area and along the guardrails. He should be doing Bailey Road. (EV) George was asked to do it. Maurice Wells: Did he ask this Board if he could do it?
(EV) Specifically not me, but it was a department decision. He noted that Board tries not to micromanage the various departments. Maurice Wells: Micromanage?? For ten years the Department Heads have been running this Town. This should be revised. (EV) explained that the Board is not in Town 24 hours a day and we need to have faith that the departments are doing their job. Maurice Wells: You have a Town Administrator for that. (EV) I believe this was covered at the weekly staff meeting.

(PR) Arrival (6:13 P.M.)

Maurice Wells: The taxes are going to be higher this year, I believe. (PS) We really won’t know for sure till about Thanksgiving.

Maurice Wells: I mentioned about the pedestrian traffic buttons. (EV) noted that he spoke to Chief Wharem and he will contact DOT and either they will do it or Town will do it. I will check with George to make sure it is kept open. State may be responsible for it or Town will be. If it does not happen, call me.
Maurice Wells: I am not going to call you.

Maurice Wells: I heard a rumor that the Chief is working as a part-time patrolman in Northwood. Is he contributing to retirement? If he retires in a couple of years, it will push up his retirement. (PS) Yes, he would be contributing to retirement.

Paul Richardson: Is that why he is doing it? Can you find out? That is why they work the details to increase their salary. (DM) This is the first that I am hearing of this. (FH) It is the same as the 24/7 Fire Chief; we do not have one of those either. Maurice Wells: I thought the Fire Chief was supposed to live in Town. (EV) He could not sell his house elsewhere. Maurice Wells: Then he should be gone too.

Maurice Wells: The flood lights at the firehouse are always on. If I call for them to turn them off, they do but then they are turned on again and left on.

Paul Richardson: I have one comment about the meeting of October 18th regarding the Conservation Commission suggested purchase on Berry Pond Road. To what advantage is it in acquiring this property? It seems if she wants the Town to have the property then why doesn’t she donate it to the Town? Conservation does not pay taxes but if Pennichuck acquires it, then they would pay taxes on it. It seems like a lot of money to pay for that land. It is not worth $30,000; you can’t even fish down there. I am just asking the Board to take a look at it.

Close Public Input


1. Review of 2012 Proposed Budget for Submittal to Budget Committee

Animal Control (4414)

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Animal Control (Page 20, Lines 380 – 388) for $9,881. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Welfare (4441)

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Welfare (Page 21, Lines 389 – 397) for $21,781. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Direct Assistance (Page 21, Lines
398 – 402) for $78,000. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Intergovernmental Welfare Payments (Page 21, Lines 403 and 404) for $4,431. (DM) Second.

After Discussion: (PR) withdraw Motion and (DM) withdraw Second.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Intergovernmental Welfare Payments (Page 21, Line 403) for $3,931. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board agreed not to fund Line 404 (01-4444-90871) CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Total Welfare (Page 21) for $103,712. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Recreation, Library & Patriotic Purposes (4520)

(PR) Motion to approve Line 406 – Programs (Page 22) to $1,500.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to delete Line 416 – Red Cross Fees.
Motion fails because of lack of Second.

(PR) Motion to approve Lines 405 – 424 – Parks & Recreation (Page 21) reflecting change in Line 405 for $25,636. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget for Total Library (Page 22) for $70,860.
(DM) Second.

(PR) Withdraw Motion. (DM) Withdraw Second.

(DM) Motion to approve Budget for Total Library (Page 22) for $67,567.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

(PR) Motion to approve Line 427 – Library for $65,867 (Page 22). (GL) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

Discussion: (DM) I would like to see maybe school people work at Library for a school project. (PR) More people use the Library on Saturdays than during night hours. (EV) Do we think the open hours are adequate and extra hours can be with school volunteers? (GL) The weekend hours are not necessary. (EV) I would like to get the budget as close as possible to last year.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget for Total Patriotic Purposes (Page 22) for $4,250. (DM) Second.

After discussion: (PR) Withdraw Motion; (DM) Withdraw Second.

(PR) On Line 429 can we ask for receipts? (PS) Yes you can and perhaps the mechanics of how to make payment based on receipts.

(GL) Motion to approve Line 428 – Memorial Day (Page 22) for $600.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH)

(GL) Motion to approve 429 – Old Home Day (Page 22) for $3,200.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH)

(PR) Motion to approve budget – Total Patriotic Purposes (Page 22) for $3,800. (GL) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH)

Conservation & Economic Development (4611)

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget – Conservation (Lines 430 – 435, (Page 23) for $650. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to revise Line 436 – Consulting Services (Page 23) to $8,000. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-1 (FH). (EV) Abstain.

Discussion: (FH) noted that this is where the WiFi fees are coming from. It is supposed to be self-contained. We pay yearly for WiFi about $1,200 plus $110 a month besides.

(PR) Motion to approve Total Economic Development (Page 23) for $8,000. (DM) Second. Carried 4-1. (EV) Abstain.

Debt Service (4711 & 4723)

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget (Page 24) Lines 438 and 439 – Total Long Term Bond Principal & Int. for $25,198. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget (Page 24) Line 440 – Total Tax Anticipation Note Interest for $15,000. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget (Page 24) – Total Debt Service for $40,198. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) We do not yet have a total for the Total Operating Budget. We have been advised that the health insurance rates will be increasing by 10.2%. We will have this total on Tuesday and present to Budget Committee on Wednesday.

Capital Outlay (4901, 4902 & 4909)

Board began discussing the capital outlay proposed budget:

(PR) Motion to delete Line 446 – Fire Pumper (Page 25) for $695,000.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

(DM) Perhaps, we could review line by line starting at the top of this budget.

(PR) Withdraw Motion. (GL) Withdraw Second.

(FH) Motion to approve proposed Budget Line 443 – Police Cruiser (Page 25) for $30,000. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) This can be approved now and withdrawn later. After we get to the time around Thanksgiving, we will be better able to understand what the budget looks like. We might be able to get two cruisers. (PR) How many miles are there on the existing cruisers? Do they keep a log as to when the cruiser is taken out and when returned? (DM) They do not provide this to the Board but I believe the PD does that internally.

Break 7:05 P.M. Resume 7:09 P.M.

(DM) Motion to approve proposed Budget Line 444 – Fire Alarm and Digitizer (Page 25) for $10,000. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve proposed Budget Line 445 – FD Pagers and Radios (Page 25) for $15,200 which will be a Warrant Article. (PR) Second.
Carried 3-2 (FH) & (GL).

(PR) Motion to delete Line 446 – Fire Pumper (Page 25) for $695,000.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve Total Capital Outlay – Machines, Vehicles & Equipment (Page 25) for $55,200. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) Under Total Capital Outlay – Other Improvements there should be a line for $30,000 for Pennichuck Purchase which will be added.

(GL) Motion to approve adding to Total Capital Outlay – Other Improvement, $30,000 for Pennichuck Purchase. (DM) Second. Carried 4-1 (PR).

(GL) Motion to approve Total Capital Outlay (Page 25) for $85,200.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Operating Transfers to Capital Reserve & Expendable Trusts (4912, 4915, & 4916)

(GL) Motion to delete Line 465 – Parks & Recreation Fund (Page 26) for $2,000. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve Total to Capital Reserve Funds for $81,000.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve proposed Budget Line 473 – Municipal Buildings for $25,000. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PR) Motion to approve Total Transfers Out for $108,000. (GL) Second.
Carried 5-0.

Board questioned what Line 470 represents and he will check and advise.

Waste Water Treatment Plan (4326, 4711, 4901)

(DM) requested (PS) determine status of Line 3 (Operator $15,000) and whether that is still applicable. (PS) to do.

(FH) Motion to approve proposed Budget for Waste Water Treatment Plant
(Lines 1 – 67, Pages 28 & 29) for $364,586. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.




(GL) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second.
Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

(GL) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011

(PR) Motion to table approval of Non-Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.


Maurice Wells: That small dump truck we bought, it has no front wheel drive. Did chains come with the truck? (PS) No. Maurice Wells: Are the taxpayers still paying George for use of his truck? (DM) He gets a stipend for the mileage.
(PS) George submits his mileage and is paid on the number of miles he drives. Maurice Wells: At what rate? (GL) $.555. Maurice Wells: Can’t he use the “green truck” instead of his truck. The one we got on a bid. We put money into it. We should use it more and not use George’s truck. (PS) If circumstances warrant that – then yes.

Maurice Wells: The stockpile of crushed bank George has is outrageous – there is 60-70 yards piled up down there and in the salt shed. I would still like to know about the plywood mounted on the doors. They were going to redo it this spring. (PS) to check on this. (EV) It was supposed to be fixed.

Paul Richardson: Regarding the winter sand, the Department Heads try to spend the money that they have in the budget because if they do not spend it, it is cut back. It is not just George; the Fire Department does it too. They have too much sand, more than they need. They do not use as much sand now as they did. The reason that he buys so much is so that it does not get cut back on his budget.

(DM) Perhaps it would be a good idea to take inventory next year.

(PR) Someone just called me regarding the car fire on Concord Hill Road.
(EV) Yes, a passenger car had a fire. (PR) The road is damaged from this fire and is in bad condition. When it comes to plowing time, it is going to be difficult to plow that road because of the damaged pavement. (PS) to check with George.

Maurice Wells: The sand and gravel budget for 2010 was $36,000 and $39,000 was spent.

Close Public Input


(PR) Motion to Adjourn. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 P.M.

Approved: November 1, 2011

__________________________ _______________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 25, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on October 27, 2011.

/s/ Delores A. Fritz
Recording Secretary

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