October 29, 2013 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman,
Linda Small (LS), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Albert Douglas (AD), Paul Skowron (PS),
Town Administrator, Erica Anthony, Acting Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth: I want to thank the Board for their consideration last week regarding the Zoning Board Alternate position, and for Gerard’s vote. I believe you all made a decision that was best for Town. You made the best choice and it worked out for the best.

Dan Schroth: Paying work is scarce. I talked with George regarding the ball field on Tilton Hill. Dan suggested utilizing George to help dig the culvert and would have manpower available on Wednesday. I am requesting Board approval. Thank you.

Close Public Input


(AD) Avitar Letter; (LS) Stairs to the Basement, Non-Public – Welfare Department; (PS) Union Negotiations


1. Quotes for Interior Ceiling Rehab at Fire Department

(PS) I spoke with Acting Interim Fire Chief Nick Abell, but he said he still needs to talk with Jesse and report to Eric. (LK) We will move it to next Agenda.

2. Board of Selectmen to Consider Action on Tax Deeded Properties

(PS) November 1st is the deadline for people to respond to the letter from the Board of Selectmen, including 62 Leavitt Road, Unit #4 (Pawlowski.) An individual purchased the mobile home as a gift years ago. Evidence was presented of the sale to Pawlowski/Gonzalez, therefore, this Deed will need to be waived.

(LS) Motion to sign the Deed Waiver. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) What would the next step would be? (PS) The Board would need to wait until next year to review again. In the meantime we hopefully will get clarity on the title of the trailer and possibly enter into a payment agreement.
(LK) We would need clarification before entering into a payment agreement. (PS) We speculate that someone came in decades ago and verbally changed the ownership, but there has been no documentation of the change.

3. Board of Selectmen to Review 2014 Proposed Town Budget

To be addressed later in the meeting.


4. Copier for the Welfare Office

(LK) The Welfare Department is currently using a fax machine to make copies, but it is very slow and it uses a lot of ink and not set up to be used as a copier. I requested Bonnie to get some quotes – ($299 and $349.) I suggest we set a limit of $350.00 and authorize Paul (PS) and Bonnie to decide what would be the best purchase.

(EN) Motion that Paul (PS) and Bonnie be authorized to purchase a copier for up to $350.for the Welfare Department. (AD) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (AD) Do we have a vendor for the copiers here? (PS) Yes, the Town Hall and Police Department have a brand new lease for their copiers. (AD) Do you prefer to buy the toner cartridges locally? (PS) Cara does comparison shopping to find the best pricing for cartridges, paper, etc.

5. Use of Backhoe

(LK) Dan’s request for the use of the Town backhoe for up to two (2) hours – any discussion? (EN) I see no problem if it is okay with George. George’s crew would be working on culverts up that way anyway. (LK) Advance notice would be preferred to allow Board members to discuss with Department Head and preferably a letter submitted to Paul (PS) by Friday so it may be added to the Agenda.

Dan Schroth: I wasn’t aware of George’s availability until this past Sunday and asked George as a last resort. It’s for the Town, not for me. (LK) Does the Town have permission from ball association? Dan Schroth: Yes, we have permission. We are working on the Community Center too, and that is a Town project and we found out we need an excavator for that project and I am hoping I can coordinate with Joey Darrah and George on that too. (LK) I know it’s a positive thing you are doing, I just would like more notice. Dan Schroth: It is to make the park nicer. Someone donated rock and we have some left over from another job. It’s tough, people are busy. (LS) I appreciate you helping out, but the Tilton Hill Ball Field and Community Center are owned by non-profits and not Town owned properties.

Dan Schroth: I see it as economic development. It makes Pittsfield more desirable. (LS) I know it is a good thing, but there are a million projects we could be doing and I am hard pressed to use tax dollars for this. Dan Schroth: I could dig it by hand, and will if I have to, but these guys said they can get it done in an hour. I am not doing this for myself. Look at it as economic development and community improvement. People come from all over, Epsom, Northwood – to see that park. (EN) and (GL) I would like more notice. (LK) Paul what is your opinion? (PS) I know that in the past the Board has allowed this to happen, and I appreciate Linda’s concern. We don’t want this to become too repetitive. (LK) If George has the time, I don’t mind him going up there for a couple of hours. (EN) I agree. We appreciate the help Dan has provided with improving the cemetery walls. (AD) Dan, you said you have spoken with George? Dan Schroth: Yes, George mentioned he should have time Wednesday (Oct. 30th) (LK) requested a break to contact George.

Break: 6:29 P.M. Resume: 6:35 P.M.

(LK) I wasn’t able to reach George. I suggest we table the decision for the moment. I will try to call George later tonight. I am not comfortable making a decision without speaking with the Department Head first.

6. Stairs to the basement

(LK) The stairs to basement are getting crowded again. It is a dangerous situation. PS will address.

7. Avitar letter

(AD) – I guess people have received letters from Avitar regarding internal inspections and were asked to contact Avitar between dates of Oct. 21st – 24th between 8:00am – 4:30pm to set up an appointment. I called and made an appointment and the guy was supposed to come today (October 29th) between 1:00 and 3:00 P.M. but did not appear. Paul, have you heard from other residents?
(PS) I am not aware of other concerns. What is the gentlemen’s name?
(AD) Kerry O’Connor was the Assessor. (PS) We will contact Avitar.


(EN) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Matters which, if discussed in public would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board itself, unless such person requests an open meeting. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:30 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:55 P.M.

NOTE: RSA 91-A (III) – Minutes of proceedings in Non-Public Session shall be kept and the record of all action shall be promptly made available for public inspection, except as provided in this section. Minutes and decisions reached in Non-Public Session shall be publicly disclosed within seventy-two (72) hours of the meeting, unless, by recorded vote of 2/3 of the members present, it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than the members of the Board, or render the proposed action ineffective. In the event of such circumstances, information may be withheld until, in the opinion of a majority of members, the aforesaid circumstances no longer apply.

Shall the Minutes be publicly disclosed: No.

Motion made by (EN) and Seconded by (AD) to not publicly disclose the Minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would render the proposed action ineffective. Carried 5-0.

5. Continued – Use of Backhoe

(LK) called George Bachelder regarding the Ball Field on Tilton Hill. He noted
George confirmed his conversation with Dan.

(EN) Motion to approve the use of Highway Department equipment and personnel for a couple of hours Wednesday, October 30, 2013, to assist with some construction at the ball field on Tilton Hill. (GL) Second. Carries 5- 0.


1. 6:30 P.M.: Library Board of Trustee/Budget Review


2. 7:00 P.M.: Police Chief Robert Wharem – Budget Review
Appointment with Chief Wharem to discuss budget.

Chief Wharem was present and distributed handouts with detailed information.


(LK) Let’s start with Police Administration. If all are in agreement, I would like to take each section one at a time. All Board members agreed. Chief Wharem: How did other departments present their budgets? (PS) They went line by line.

Chief Wharem: He reviewed Uniforms, Health Maintenance, Insurance for Property and Liability (new item), and Subscriptions/Dues. (LK) From what I gather, this portion of the budget has increased $5,678.00, all for Health, Retirement, Worker’s Compensation and Insurance for Property and Liability. Chief Wharem: That is correct. (LK) I would like to have a general budget approval by the end of meeting. That way we can have questions answered before the Department Head leaves the meeting.

(LS) I have a question regarding the Secretary Line 138 – is it a “just in case” item for extra duties that may be required? Chief Wharem: We left it in there to cover additional case loads. (LS) What are the actual hours at this point for the Custodian line? Chief Wharem: It is budgeted for 5 1/2 hours, but increased a few additional hours to cover some additional chores. Due to unpaid medical leave a few different times this year, it may have affected those numbers. (LS)You mentioned bullet proof vests, are the officers not wearing them now? Chief Wharem: No, the expiration date of the vests is approaching and some need to be replaced (three ordered/bill pending) at a cost of approximately $600 each. (LS) You said the Health Maintenance is for TB and Hepatitis B? Chief Wharem: Yes, and if there is an accident Concord Hospital bills the department for blood draws. (EN) It also appears this item covers any vaccinations officers may need.

(LS) Regarding Hiring Expenses, we are at full staff, right? Chief Wharem: Yes, we are. Line item is in place should we need to replace an officer. It covers new officer testing and advertising. We do try to use as much free advertising as possible. (AD) Tell me more about Dues and Subscriptions – it seems high.
Chief Wharem: We get updates on laws and pay dues to Central NH Operations Unit. Membership to this unit allows us to bring in a special response team if needed. I am on the Board of Directors and Sargent Caine is a team leader.
(GL) Was the Custodian out on Worker’s Comp? Chief Wharem: No, personal medical leave. (LS) I believe there can be some flexibility in bringing down some lines like 138, 139, 150, 151. I propose reducing the Hiring Line item down by $250.00, reducing the Health Maintenance line item by $500.00, reducing the Custodian line item by $750.00, and the Secretary line item by $1000.00.
(EN) I’m concerned the reduction would impede hiring. (LS) I am concerned the budgets are high, and I think there is some flexibility. (EN) I am concerned about the Line 151 reduction. (LK) Chief, what do you think? Chief Wharem: I do not have a problem with Linda’s suggestions for Lines 138 & 139, but concerned about taking $500 out of Health Maintenance. If we have more than a couple of accidents we will overspend.

(LS) Motion to approve Line 138 (Secretary) for $2,100, Line 139 (Custodian) for $2,250, Line 150 (Health Maintenance) for $700, and Line 151 (Hiring Expenses) for $650. (GL) Second.

Discussion: (AD) Chief would you please review these line items again?
Chief Wharem: I think we would be alright reducing the Secretary amount by $1,000.00. I do not think the Custodian line will be an issue. Regarding Health Maintenance, we are charged $100.00 per blood draw by Concord Hospital. We never know what we will have there – I am willing to try for $700. (PS) Reduction of the Secretary and Custodian line items are reduced, it will also reduce the impact of FICA and Medicare. (LK) I am concerned about taking out of the Health Maintenance Line.

Vote on Motion: 4 – 1. (LK). Motion dies.

(LK) Motion to reduce the Secretary Line item 138 by $1000.00 to $2,150.00 and the Custodian Line item 139 down $750.00 to $2,250.00. (EN) Second.
Carries 5 – 0.

(EN) Motion to reduce Hiring Expense Line 151 by $100.00 to make it $650.00. (GL) Second. Carries 5 – 0.

Chief Wharem: Line items 154 – 160 salaries are set by contract.
Line 160 (Patrolman) went up by $900 when we hired an experienced officer. Line 161for part-time hours increased to $35,000. This is due to all part-time positions being filled. Instead of asking for more full time coverage to cover increased patrol work, we are asking for increased part-time coverage.
Line 162 (Part-time Officers – Balloon Rally) is $1,500.
Line 164 (Overtime – Balloon Rally) $1,500.
Line165 (Health Insurance) and FICA, Workers Comp and Retirement depict cost increases.
Line 174 (Insurance Property/Liability) is new to the police budget. This section increase is due to increase in part-time officers, health insurance, retirement, and the added insurance for property liability, which used to be elsewhere in the budget. Three of the four are dictated rates. Overtime and Balloon Rally have Board discretion. (LS) Increasing part-time officer hours is good. It decreases overtime. I would like to see overtime reduced further now we have more scheduled part-time shifts. Chief Wharem: That sounds reasonable. I think a reduction of $5,000.00 is a safe figure.

(LS) Motion to reduce Line 163 (Overtime) down to $43,000.00, (a reduction of $4,957). (AD) Second. Carried 4-1 (EN).

Discussion: (LK) Chief, are you with that? Chief Wharem: I am.

(EN) Is there any flexibility with Line 161 (Part-Time Officers? Chief Wharem: That is up to the Board. I welcome the Board to a public forum. Residents like the visibility of the police presence. (AD) Are you full staffed? Chief Wharem: The schedule is working well with the officers we have. The part- time officers also help reduce overtime. A $1,000.00 bike was donated to the Police Department. The increase in visibility has been a great benefit. (AD) Is the Health Insurance included in this line item? (PS) Yes. The sergeants are covered by BC/BS and the patrolmen covered by the Teamsters. The employee pays the premium for Teamster coverage over and above a set stipend.

(LS) Chief do you see any other reductions? Chief Wharem: Most items are dictated to us. Tuition Reimbursement of $500 has not been used previously. I’ve put $2,000 in for training. I have been able to find training without cost this year, but there is training in the near future that needs to be outsourced. I believe I can get grant funding for part of it. (AD) is $2,000.00 enough? Chief Wharem: I believe so. I’ve leveled Merrimack County contract dispatching, because I’m not sure what it will be. (GL) I will check.

Chief Wharem: Regarding Special Details, we have a Warrant Article, but I was under the impression we needed something listed for accounting purposes.
(LS) That is not necessary.

(LS) Motion to change Line180 (Special Details) to $0.00 due to the Special Detail Warrant Article. (EN) Second. Motion carried 5-0.

Discussion: (AD) Can I have clarification of the Warrant that passed? (LK) It
is a revolving account. Any money that comes in pays for the officers. Chief Wharem: Left over monies goes to the General Fund. (LS) It is a self-sustaining fund. Chief Wharem: He discussed setting up DWI checkpoints, increases in gasoline, tires, and new equipment (possible safety grants). (EN) Why is the Radio and Radar (Line 189) increasing? Chief Wharem: The radios are not under warranty and need repairs. (GL) I am concerned that last year we had four-wheel drive police vehicles out of town during a snow storm. Chief Wharem: I do not believe that was the case. I do not take the four-wheel drive home. (AD) Please tell me more about new equipment. Chief Wharem: We don’t have a line item for replacement equipment; it falls under new equipment which includes router, camera and breath test machines. (LK) How many four-wheel drive vehicles do you have now? Chief Wharem: We have three, and one all-wheel drive vehicle. Two are available to the department on a regular basis. The four- wheel drive vehicle is more logical than the all-wheel drive vehicle on the dirt roads in the summer. There is a policy that it is very specific what vehicles can be driven home, and I am not permitted to bring a four-wheel drive vehicle home.

(AD) Motion to remove the four-wheel drive vehicle policy. (EN) Second. Carried: 5 – 0. (LK) Chief may need it in an emergency situation.

Chief Wharem: The Electronic Communication Line 194 is for the phones. I would be comfortable with reducing this item to $4,750.00

(AD) Motion to approve Line 194 (Electronic Communication for $4,750.
(EN) Second. Carries 5-0.

Chief Wharem: IMC program is where we enter all our calls, digital records, database information etc. It may be a good idea to discuss networking with other communities for this system to save costs. Our Fire Alarm Line went up, I’m not sure why. (EN) That is because you are not on a pole box anymore. Chief Wharem: I would be concerned with reducing the Electricity Line 198. We sometimes need to use electric heaters in winter.

(AD) Motion to change Line 198 to $5800 (which is a decrease of $380)
(EN) Second. Carries 5-0.

Chief Wharem: Station repairs are a new line item. I am not sure of this item. (PS) This goes to charges made to the Building Maintenance Expendable Trust. Auditors stated building maintenance expenses should be reflected in the budget. (LS) I would like to see it come down. (PS) There would also be a revenue line from the expendable trust. Just a minor repair would be charged to the budget line item, but it would also have an offsetting revenue from the expendable trust such as carpet replacement. The Trust was designed for repairs, not replacement.
(LS) I am concerned the Board would not have visibility of trust expenditures as originally intended. We don’t see expenditures until after the fact. The original intent of this trust was for major repairs to Town buildings. I would like to see a list of costs to be deducted from the trust to be able to determine approval of the expenditure.

(LS) Motion to approve Line 202 (Station Repairs & Maintenance) for $1,000
(reduction of $1,500.) (GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (EN) Where was the money for this line item spent this year?
Chief Wharem: It was for plumbing repairs.

Chief Wharem: I want to thank the Board for the new copier. It is working out well. Line 207 (Security) is to replace a security camera. We want to bring up the system so Merrimack County is able to monitor. I am concerned the one in the booking room is not working. We have eight cameras and only three are working. It is a safety and liability issue. Department Supplies Line 208 is to upgrade fire arms. It will be less expensive in the long run.

(EN) Motion to approve Line 200 (Water Charges) to $700. (decrease of $620) (LS) Second. Carries 5-0.


(PS) We may want to discuss the police cruiser. Chief Wharem: Could we review the Animal Control budget first? It went up $142. Board and Chief Wharem discussed the various line increases.

(EN) Motion to approve the Animal Control proposed budget (Lines 406 to 415). (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

Capital Outlay – Page 27:

Chief Wharem: I am still getting quotes for the new vehicles and working with a new company that seems to have more reasonable prices. The new car will replace the black and white Explorer. It will be all-wheel drive. (EN) This new vehicle will replace the 2005 vehicle and the 2005 will be repainted and given to the Animal Control Officer to replace the large ACO van. (LK) What kind of shape is the van in? Chief Wharem: It runs but the 2005 vehicle will be more economical and better going up the mountain in the winter. (LK) Could another department use the van? Chief Wharem: I wouldn’t want to speak for the other departments. I could bring the van to the Town Hall for the Board to inspect. (EN) What are the issues with the 2003 vehicle? Chief Wharem: It is making noise that the mechanics think may be the transmission. It also has a hole in the side. I can bring it down for you to take a look at it. I will bring the estimates in for your review.

(LK) Chief, do you have any questions for Board? Chief Wharem: I appreciate the opportunity to go over the budget tonight and think it was a very productive session. (LK) Are there any other issues? Chief Wharem: Not that I am aware of. Just to recap, I don’t have final numbers from dispatch or the county. They don’t set their budget until February. (PS) Is the Board approving the $42,000?

(AD) Motion to approve $42,000.00 for a new cruiser. (EN) Second.
Carried 5 – 0. (PS) noted the amount is open to adjustment when quotes are acquired and approved.


(EN) I would like to take a look at the Emergency Management and Forest Fire budget. Rob Freese gave us all the numbers.

(EN) Motion to approve $11,597.00 for the Emergency Management and Forest Fire budget. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Break: 8:35 P.M. Resume: 8:40PM


(GL) Motion to approve the Election budget Lines 41 – 48. (EN) Second.
Carried: 5-0.






(LS) Motion to approve the Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0. (LS) Abstain.

(LS) I have a number of questions, so I have abstained.


(LK) We will table approval of Public and Non-Public Minutes for
October 22, 2013 until Delores returns.





(EN) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee or the investigation of any charges against him unless the employee affected: 1. Has a right to a meeting, and 2. Request that the meeting be open, in which case the request would be granted. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:35 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:55 P.M.

NOTE: RSA 91-A (III) – Minutes of proceedings in Non-Public Session shall be kept and the record of all action shall be promptly made available for public inspection, except as provided in this section. Minutes and decisions reached in Non-Public Session shall be publicly disclosed within seventy-two (72) hours of the meeting, unless, by recorded vote of 2/3 of the members present, it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than the members of the Board, or render the proposed action ineffective. In the event of such circumstances, information may be withheld until, in the opinion of a majority of members, the aforesaid circumstances no longer apply.

Shall the Minutes be publicly disclosed: No.

Motion made by (GL) and Seconded by (EN) to not publicly disclose the Minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would render the proposed action ineffective

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:50P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:55 P.M.


(EN) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Approved: November 5, 2013

_________________________ ______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 29, 2013, transcribed and publicly posted on
November 1, 2013.

Erica B. Anthony, Acting Recording Secretary

No Attachments/Olympus: 1:52:21