September 12, 2014 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Funds Meeting Minutes
Cara Marston
Ross Morse
Harry Vogt

The meeting of the Trustees of Trust Funds was called to order at 7:45 AM, September 12, 2014 in the Pittsfield Town Hall by Harry Vogt, Meeting Chair.

Treasurer’s Report: Accepted as presented.
New Business:
1. The Trustees interviewed representatives from the three selected firms of Daniel Davidson (HD Vest), Citizens Bank, and Mackensen & Company.
2. Directly following the interview process the trustees voted unanimously to proceed with the hiring of Citizens Bank as the financial advisor to the Pittsfield Trustees of Trust Funds. Mr. Vogt will make the appropriate contacts to inform all interviewees and the current financial advisor of this decision.
Next Meeting: 9/25/14, 8:00 AM Foss Scholarship Committee

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 AM. Minutes submitted by: Ross Morse