September 15, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Website.

Pittsfield Website Committee
September 15, 2008
The Pittsfield Website Committee was called to order @ 7:07 pm.
Members present:
Clayton Wood, Chair
Bob Legg
Matt Goodwin
Jennifer Elliot
Harry Vogt, Secretary
1. Minutes of August 18, 2008 were approved.
2. Ongoing Business
a. Residency Requirements: Clayton has reviewed Website Committee residency requirements with the Town Manager. There are no residency requirements for serving on the committee. Jennifer and Matt both expressed a desire to continue to serve on the Committee though they have moved to Barnstead. The Committee welcomed their continued support and participation on the Website Committee.
b. Meeting Schedule: Committee will continue to meet every 3rd Monday of the month.
c. Website Report: Town Departments send through information/notices on a regular basis for posting on the website. Clayton has been overseeing the posting of this information.
d. Moving to Pittsfield: Page has been updated to reflect comments made at last month’s meeting. Discussed possibility of adding Post Office hours.
e. Economic Development Committee Photos: Bob & Matt continue to work with the EDC. Questions remain about how photos Bob has taken will be used. EDC expressed interest in running photos in a slideshow format. Bob is waiting for additional information/direction from the EDC.
f. Email Accounts: Parks & Recs requested and e-mail account. Clayton assigned them Recreation@
g. Response to Board of Selectman regarding Property Assessments Document: Clayton reviewed with Larry Kanopka the safety issues the Committee took into consideration when removing resident’s names from the property assessments. The BOS dosed not seem to have any concern with the approach the Committee is taking.
h. Fire Department Sub-web: Clayton met with the fire department to review the idea of setting up a sub-web for the department. Clayton will look into how a sub-web will actually work. Questions remain about how an end user publishes information.
i. RSA 91A: The State now recognizes the posting of meetings on a town website as a legal means of meeting the State’s public notification requirement.
j. Pittsfield Youth Baseball: PYBA is now linked to the Town’s website.
3. New Business
a. School Website: Clayton will be meeting with the School’s technology committee in October to see what assistance he or the web committee can provide.
b. Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Blog: This project is still in progress.
Next Meeting: Monday, October 20th @ 7:00 PM.
Meeting Adjourned @ 7:52 pm
Minutes submitted by Harry Vogt, Secretary.