September 27, 2007 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Fund
September 27, 2007
The Foss Family Pittsfield Town Scholarship Trust Awards Committee
The Pittsfield Board of Trustees met with PMHS Principal Karen Erlandson,
PMHS Guidance Director Leslie Bergevin and PMHS Leadership Team
member Louis Houle on September 27 at 8 a.m. at the Town Hall.
The main order of Business was to review a bylaws format and an
application form. Because not everyone was in attendance, the committee
did not organize itself.
For the next meeting: Leslie Bergevin agreed to research other application
forms; Karen Erlandson will write a proposal for Foss Scholars to be
named prior to the senior year. All will further review the bylaws and bring
questions regarding eligibility. Are graduates prior to 2008 still eligible for
their remaining years? Are students who are still in high school, but taking
courses which result in college credit (Running Start) eligible? How will
interviews be handled?
The next meeting will be held Thursday, October 25 at 8 a.m. at the Town